consultation | n 1. act of consulting, perundingan, berunding: after ~ with my colleagues..., selepas berunding dgn rakan sejawat saya...; in ~ (with), /setelah, selepas/ berunding (dgn): the decision was made in ~ with the Highway Authority, keputusan itu dibuat setelah berunding dgn Lembaga Lebuh Raya; 2. conference, perundingan: to hold a ~, mengadakan perundingan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consult | vt 1. seek advice, information from, berunding dgn; (doctor) berjumpa: to ~ a lawyer about the contract, berunding dgn peguam ttg kontrak itu; 2. refer to (book etc) merujuki: to ~ a dictionary for the meaning of a word, merujuki kamus utk mengetahui makna sst perkataan; 3. (old use) consider, menimbang, mempertimbangkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |