brush1 | <i>ni> 1. <i>implement for painting, cleaning, etc,i> berus: <i>a scrubbing ~,i> berus penggosok; <i>a clothes ~,i> berus baju; 2. <i>act of brushing,i> memberus: <i>your coat needs a ~,i> kot kamu perlu diberus; give st a ~, memberus sst; 3. <i>a light touch,i> geselan: <i>she felt the soft ~ of the leaves against her arms,i> dia terasa geselan lembut daun-daun pd lengannya; 4. (<i>skirmishi>), (<i>mili>) pertempuran kecil; (<i>confrontationi>) pertembungan: <i>a ~ with enemy troops,i> pertempuran kecil dgn pihak musuh; <i>it was the boy’s first ~ with the police,i> itulah pertembungan pertama budak itu dgn polis; 5. <i>bushy tail esp of fox,i> ekor kembang: 6. (<i>electri>) berus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hairbrush | <i>ni> berus rambut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
airbrush | <i>n i> penyembur, pistol sembur, penyemprot, berus angin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heaven | H~s above, <i>seei> GOD (good God); H~ forbid, dijauhkan Tuhan; ~ (only) knows, <i>seei> GOD (God knows); by H~, <i>seei> GOD (by God); for H~’s sake, <i>seei> GOD (for God’s sake); good H~s, <i>seei> GOD (good God); in seventh ~, (<i>colloqi>) seronok betul: <i>when he's in his studio surrounded by his brushes and paints, he’s in seventh ~,i> dia seronok betul apabila berada di studionya dikelilingi oleh berus dan cat; move ~ and earth, membuat apa saja; thank ~(s), <i>seei> GOD (thank God). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |