active | adj 1. physically energetic, nimble, cergas: at seventy he is still very ~, walaupun sudah berusia tujuh puluh tahun dia masih cergas; an ~ child, kanak-kanak yg cergas; 2. alert, cerdas: an ~ mind, akal yg cerdas; 3. effective, practical, aktif: to take an ~ part in st, mengambil bahagian yg aktif dlm sst; be an ~ force, berpengaruh: he is still an ~ force in the party, dia masih berpengaruh dlm parti itu; 4. participating, contributing, aktif: an ~ member, ahli yg aktif; be ~ in (politics, an organisation, etc) /aktif, giat/ dlm (politik, pertubuhan, dll); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barely | adv 1. only just, baru (sahaja): he had ~ sat down when the telephone rang, dia baru sahaja duduk apabila telefon itu berdering; he died when he was ~ thirty, dia meninggal dunia sewaktu baru berusia 30 tahun; ~ enough, cukup-cukup (sahaja): there is ~ enough food for a week, bekalan makanan cukup-cukup sahaja utk seminggu; there is ~ enough time to get to the airport, masa cukup-cukup sahaja utk sampai ke lapangan terbang; 2. hardly, scarcely, hampir tdk: the old man was so shocked that he could ~ speak, orang tua itu begitu terkejut sehingga hampir tdk dapat berkata-kata; the room was ~ furnished, bilik itu hampir tdk ada perabotnya; ~ alive, hampir-hampir mati, tinggal nyawa-nyawa ikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accession | n 1. act of acceding, a. (to the throne) also ~ to the throne, naik ke takhta kerajaan, naik takhta, naiknya [baginda] ke takhta kerajaan: he was only nineteen at the time of his ~ (to the throne) baginda baru berusia sembilan belas tahun pd waktu baginda naik takhta; b. ( to office) menjadi, (mula) memegang jawatan: before his ~ to the post of Vice-Chancellor, sebelum dia menjadi Naib Canselor; c. (to power), (mula) memegang, (mula) ber [kuasa]: after Hitler’s ~ to power, setelah Hitler mula memegang kuasa; 2. (leg.) increase, pertambahan: ~ to property, pertambahan harta; 3. addition, (approp n +) tambahan: a list of new ~s to the library, senarai (bahan bacaan) tambahan baru utk perpustakaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aged | adj 1. old, tua: an ~ man, seorang lelaki tua; the ~, orang-orang tua: a home for the ~, rumah utk orang-orang tua; 2. of, characteristic of old age, tanda tua: ~ wrinkles, kedut-kedut tanda tua; 3. of the age of, berumur, berusia: a boy ~ twelve, budak lelaki yg berumur dua belas tahun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | prep 1. at a place etc higher than, di atas: he lived in a room ~ the shop, dia tinggal di sebuah bilik di atas kedai; to fly ~ the clouds, terbang di atas awan; 2. to a place etc higher than, melewati, melampaui: the flood waters have risen ~ the steps, air bah telah naik melewati tangga; 3. more than, lebih drpd: ~ freezing point, lebih drpd takat beku; her car costs ~ M$15,000, keretanya berharga lebih drpd M$15, 000; to be ~ twenty-one in age, berusia lebih drpd dua puluh satu tahun; to value honour ~ wealth, menghargai maruah lebih drpd kekayaan; 4. too honourable to stoop to (st) bukanlah orangnya utk: he is ~ telling lies, dia bukanlah orangnya utk berbohong; be not ~, sanggup: I am not ~ doing what is necessary, saya sanggup melakukan apa yg perlu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |