greed | n 1.> excessive desire for food, lahap, gelojoh: eating one big box of chocolates by oneself is just sheer ~, menghabiskan sekotak besar coklat seorang diri menunjukkan seseorang itu lahap; 2. excessive desire for money, power, ketamakan, kelobaan, keserakahan: their ~ for power and gold, ketamakan mereka thdp kuasa dan emas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imply | vt 1. signify, menandakan: silence sometimes implies agreement, berdiam diri kadang-kadang menandakan bersetuju; 2. entail, melibatkan: organising a major conference implies detailed planning, menganjurkan satu persidangan yg besar melibatkan perancangan yg terperinci; 3. hint at, membayangkan: his statement implies support for the cause, kenyataannya membayangkan sokongannya thdp perjuangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beer | not all ~ and skittles, (colloq) tdk selamanya menyeronokkan; small ~, a. bir yg kurang keras; b. (fig.), (of person) orang yg tdk penting; (of st) sst yg tdk penting, perkara /kecil, remeh-temeh/; think no small ~ of os, /menganggap, memandang/ diri sso /besar, penting/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
be | 4. (with infin) a. (indic obligation) /harus, mesti/ [v]: you are to report immediately, saudara harus melaporkan diri dgn segera; the letter was to ~ signed by the principal, surat itu harus ditandatangani oleh guru besar; b. (indic futurity) akan [v]: the book is to appear shortly, buku itu akan terbit tdk lama lagi; c. (indic potentiality ), /dapat, boleh/ [v]: the drug is to ~ had at every chemist’s shop, ubat itu dapat diperoleh dr tiap-tiap kedai ubat; d. (indic purpose) untuk: this money is to buy books with, wang ini untuk membeli buku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
end | make (both) ~s meet,that has helped me no ~, itu banyak menolong saya; no ~ of, (colloq ), [various translations]: I had no ~ of work, saya ada banyak kerja; it’ll cost me no ~ of money, harganya tinggi; no ~ of os, menganggap diri sso besar: she thinks no ~ of herself, dia menganggap dirinya besar; on ~, continuously, [no specif translation]: she talks for hours on ~, dia bercakap berjam-jam lamanya; he claimed he could go without food for weeks on ~, dia mengatakan bahawa dia tahan tdk makan berminggu-minggu lamanya; place st on (its) ~, menegakkan sst; /put, make/ an ~ to, menghentikan; the ~s of the earth, segala /pelosok dunia, ceruk rantau/; without ~, tdk /putus-putus, henti-hentinya, habis-habis/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grow | ~ into, a. become, menjadi: she’s ~n into a beautiful woman, dia menjadi seorang wanita yg cantik; the small satay business has ~n into a large concern, perniagaan sate secara kecil-kecilan itu telah menjadi suatu perusahaan yg besar; b. become accustomed to, /menyesuaikan, membiasakan/ diri dgn: he’s taking a long time to ~ into the job, dia mengambil masa yg lama utk menyesuaikan diri dgn pekerjaan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | put /our, your, their/ ~s together, sama-sama /berunding, berbincang, bermuafakat/: if we put our ~s together, we can come up with a solution, jika kita sama-sama berunding, kita akan mendapat penyelesaian; a swollen ~, besar kepala; take it into o’s ~, a. (to do st), tiba-tiba tergerak di hati sso: he took it into his ~ to go on a holiday, tiba-tiba tergerak di hatinya utk pergi bercuti; b. (to think st) tiba-tiba terfikir; turn so’s ~, make so. conceited, menyebabkan sso lupa diri; weak in the ~, berotak lembam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | ~ out, a. alight, turun: several passengers got out at the next stop, beberapa orang penumpang turun di perhentian berikutnya; b. leave, go away from, keluar: ~ out!, keluar!; he hardly ever ~s out now, sekarang dia jarang sekali keluar; let’s ~ out of here! The headmaster’s coming!, mari kita keluar dr sini! Guru besar datang!; c. escape, terlepas; (of criminal, mental patient, etc) lepas lari, /melepaskan, melarikan/ diri; (gas, fume, water, etc) keluar: the bull got out last night, lembu jantan itu terlepas malam tadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degree | n 1. unit of measurement, darjah: ~ of longitude, darjah longitud; 30 ~s Fahrenheit, 30 darjah Fahrenheit; an angle of 90 ~s,sudut 90 darjah; 2. stage in scale of intensity, tingkat, tahap: varying ~s of skill, tingkat kemahiran yg berbeza-beza; a high ~ of intelligence,tingkat kecerdasan yg tinggi; 3. extent, /sejauh, setakat/ mana: the ~ of freedom which should be allowed, sejauh mana kebebasan patut dibenarkan; 4. measure, sedikit sebanyak, [or not translated]: we all need a ~ of self-discipline, kita semua memerlukan sedikit sebanyak disiplin diri; to have a considerable ~ of influence, mempunyai pengaruh yg besar; 5. social status, martabat, darjat, taraf: a man of low ~, lelaki yg rendah martabatnya; 6. academic title, ijazah: a master’s ~, ijazah sarjana; 7. (gram.) darjah: the superlative ~, darjah superlatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |