big | 7. grown up, besar: you are a ~ boy now, kamu sudah besar sekarang; I am ~ enough to know, saya sudah cukup besar utk mengetahuinya; 8. boastful, besar: she is full of ~ talk, dia banyak bercakap besar; a ~ talker, seorang yg bercakap besar; 9. (usu implying st undesirable) besar: a ~ liar, pembohong besar; a ~ cheat, penipu besar; 10. avid, great, kuat: a ~ eater, orang yg kuat makan; a ~ spender, orang yg kuat berbelanja; 11. (colloq) generous, kindly, baik hati: he is ~ enough to forgive others, dia cukup baik hati utk memaafi orang lain; 12. (colloq) ambitious, besar: ~ ideas, idea-idea besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
big | 2. important in influence, standing, wealth, besar: a ~ businessman in the city, ahli perniagaan besar di kota itu; 3. of great significance, besar: the ~ issue of the day, isu besar pd masa itu; a ~ problem, masalah besar; 4. momentous, outstanding, penting: this is the ~ moment of your life, saat penting dlm hidupmu; 5. filled, brimming, a. (with tears) digenangi, dilinangi: eyes ~ with tears, mata yg digenangi air mata; b. (with sadness) dirundung: a heart ~ with sadness, hati yg dirundung kesedihan; 6.(of voice) besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impulse | n 1. impetus, dorongan: under the ~ of larger profits, atas dorongan keuntungan yg lebih besar; 2. sudden urge, tergerak hati: he had a sudden ~ to throw the book into the fire, dia tiba-tiba tergerak hati utk mencampakkan buku itu ke dlm api; on (an) ~, mengikut gerak hati: he acted on ~, dia bertindak mengikut gerak hatinya; 3. (phys) impuls: these ~s are received by the radio set, impuls-impuls ini diterima oleh radio; 4. (physiol) impuls. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
big | ~ brother, abang; ~ sister, kakak; ~ toe, ibu jari kaki; be ~ with child, sarat (mengandung); have a ~ heart, pemurah dan baik hati; in a ~ way, secara besar-besaran; be too ~ for o’s /boots, breeches/, besar kepala; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amusement | n 1. st that amuses, hiburan: a big city offering many ~s, sebuah kota besar yg menawarkan berbagai-bagai hiburan; one of his favourite ~s, salah satu hiburan yg digemarinya; 2. pleasant diversion, entertainment, menghiburkan (hati): she paints for her own ~, dia melukis utk menghiburkan hatinya sendiri; 3. state of being amused, (rasa) geli hati: she couldn’t hide her ~ when I fell into the pool, dia tdk dapat menyembunyikan rasa geli hatinya apabila saya terjatuh ke dlm kolam itu; 4. act of amusing, penghiburan, menghiburkan (hati): she had many plans for the ~ of the children during the holidays, rancangannya banyak utk menghiburkan anak-anaknya semasa cuti sekolah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handsomely | adv 1. elegantly, (rel to room, house, etc) supaya tersergam indah: furnished ~, dihias supaya tersergam indah; 2. magnanimously, dgn baik hati: the government acted ~ towards the refugees, kerajaan dgn baik hati telah menolong pelarian-pelarian itu; 3. in large quantity, yg / besar, banyak/: they pay their workers ~, mereka membayar gaji yg banyak kpd pekerja-pekerja mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handsome | adj 1. good-looking, a. (of man) tampan, kacak, segak; b. (of woman) segak; 2. (of room, building, etc) elegant, tersergam indah: a ~, old building, bangunan lama yg tersergam indah; 3. (of present, gift) generous, berharga, mahal: that diamond watch is a ~ gift, jam bertatah berlian itu merupakan hadiah yg berharga; 4. very large, banyak, besar: he won by a ~ majority, dia menang dgn majoriti yg besar; that kind gentleman gave us a ~ tip, lelaki yg budiman itu memberi kami tip yg besar; 5. magnanimous, a. (of person) baik hati: it was very ~ of him to forgive his enemies, dia sungguh baik hati krn memaafi musuh-musuhnya; b. (of an action) mulia: a ~ deed, perbuatan yg mulia; a ~ apology, meminta maaf banyak-banyak; a ~ compliment, pujian yg tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | put /our, your, their/ ~s together, sama-sama /berunding, berbincang, bermuafakat/: if we put our ~s together, we can come up with a solution, jika kita sama-sama berunding, kita akan mendapat penyelesaian; a swollen ~, besar kepala; take it into o’s ~, a. (to do st), tiba-tiba tergerak di hati sso: he took it into his ~ to go on a holiday, tiba-tiba tergerak di hatinya utk pergi bercuti; b. (to think st) tiba-tiba terfikir; turn so’s ~, make so. conceited, menyebabkan sso lupa diri; weak in the ~, berotak lembam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bosom | n 1. breast, chest, dada: she clutched the child to her ~, dia mendakap kanak-kanak itu ke dadanya; 2. the female breasts, buah dada: ample ~s, buah dada yg besar; 3. part of garment covering the breast, bahagian dada; 4. seat of emotions, hati: he kept the secret locked in his ~, dia menyimpan rahsia itu dlm hatinya; 5. (attrib) intimate, rapat, karib: ~ friend, kawan rapat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gratification | n (fml) 1. act of indulging, satisfying, pemuasan, memuaskan: the ~ of his own desires was his main concern, pemuasan nafsunya menjadi tumpuannya yg utama; 2. state of being satisfied, kepuasan: writing poetry gives him great ~, menulis sajak memberinya kepuasan yg sungguh besar; 3. a. st that gives satisfaction, (sst yg) memuaskan hati: his only ~ was that the novel received favourable reviews, satu-satunya yg memuaskan hatinya ialah novel itu mendapat ulasan yg baik; b. st that gladdens, delights, (sst yg) menyenangkan hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |