damned | adj 1. doomed to hell, dilaknat Tuhan, terlaknat, terkutuk; 2. utter, betul, betul-betul: ~ fool, bodoh betul or betul-betul bodoh; ~ nonsense, betul-betul karut; 3. detestable, dahsyat: this ~ job, kerja yg dahsyat ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
terribly | adv 1. (colloq) extremely, betul-betul:I’m ~ upset today, saya betul-betul susah hati hari ini; he was ~ tired, dia betul-betul penat;it’s ~ important..., itu betul-betul penting...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
plumb | adv 1. exactly, betul-betul, tepat: the ball hit him ~ on his forehead , bola itu kena betul-betul di dahinya; 2. (US), (colloq) absolutely, betul-betul: I think you’re ~ mad, saya rasa kamu betul-betul gila; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
really | adv 1. honestly, truly, betul(-betul): it’s ~ a hot day, panas betul hari ini; I ~ ought to go now, betul-betul saya kena pergi sekarang; 2. (giving emphasis to adj or adv) very, betul-betul, benar-benar: the film was ~ good, filem itu betul-betul bagus; the children are doing ~ well in school, budak-budak itu betul-betul bagus dlm pelajaran mereka; 3. actually, sebenarnya: I don’t ~ want to go, sebenarnya saya tak mahu pergi; he asked me what ~ happened, dia bertanya kpd saya apakah yg sebenarnya berlaku; 4. (expressing surprise, disbelief) betulkah, yakah: “Nobody is allowed in here.” “R~?”, “Tdk seorang pun dibenarkan masuk ke sini.” “Betulkah?”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bang1 | adv (colloq) exactly, betul-betul: ~ in the middle of the road, betul-betul di tengah jalan; ~ on time, betul-betul pd waktunya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outright | adj 1. utter, complete, benar-benar, betul-betul: he’s an ~ fool, dia betul-betul bodoh; that’s an ~ lie, itu betul-betul bohong; it would be ~ foolishness to do so, benar-benar bodoh kalau kita berbuat begitu; 2. open, clear, direct, nyata: an ~ denial, sangkalan yg nyata; an ~ attack on the government, serangan yg nyata thdp kerajaan; she was the ~ winner of the race, dia nyata pemenang perlumbaan itu; 3. frank, terus terang: an ~ manner, cara (yg) terus terang; 4. without reservation, tanpa syarat: he made her an ~ gift of the property, dia menghadiahkan harta itu kpd gadis tersebut tanpa syarat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
very | adj 1. extreme point in space or time, absolute, betul-betul: there he was, standing on the ~ top of the tower, itu pun dia, berdiri betul-betul di atas menara; a fly settled on the ~ tip of his nose, seekor lalat hinggap betul-betul di hujung hidungnya; we stayed to the ~ end of the party, kami tinggal sehingga majlis itu betul-betul selesai; from the ~ beginning, dr mula-mula lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
manly | adj 1. having qualities desirable in a man, (betul-betul) + approp n lelaki: a deep ~ voice, suara yg dalam dan betul-betul suara lelaki; he is fond of ~ sports, dia menggemari permainan yg betul-betul permainan l | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
singularly | adv (fml) 1. particularly, betul-betul, benar-benar, sungguh: a ~ satisfying meal, hidangan yg betul-betul memuaskan; 2. strangely, aneh: the man was most ~ dressed, lelaki itu berpakaian aneh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downright | adj 1. absolute, betul-betul, benar-benar: this is ~ nonsense, perkara ini betul-betul karut; 2. straightforward, blunt, terus terang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |