improvident | adj (fml) thriftless, boros: people who are ~ will always be poor, orang yg boros sentiasa miskin; ~ habits, tabiat boros. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extravagant | adj 1. spending money wastefully, boros; (of taste) mewah: she is ~ when buying clothes, dia boros apabila membeli baju; a man of ~ tastes, lelaki yg mempunyai cita rasa yg mewah; 2. using too much (of st), (secara) membazir: the Administration’s ~ use of public funds was severely criticized, penggunaan dana awam yg membazir oleh Pentadbiran itu diselar dgn hebat; 3. costly, mahal-mahal: the rich who indulge in ~ luxuries feature largely in his novels, orang-orang kaya yg suka akan barang mewah yg mahal-mahal merupakan ciri utama dlm novel-novelnya; he showered her with ~ gifts, dia menghujaninya dgn hadiah yg mahal-mahal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extravagance | n 1. wasteful spending, keborosan, sifat boros: he will have to curb his ~ if he wants to save any money, dia mesti mengekang keborosannya jika dia ingin menyimpan wang; 2. instance of this, pembaziran: her fur coat is needless ~, kot bulunya ialah pembaziran yg tdk perlu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
improvidence | n (fml) lack of thrift or foresight, sifat boros, keborosan: he jeopardises his family’s future by his ~, sifat borosnya membahayakan masa depan keluarganya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
free | 6. not literal, bebas: a ~ translation, terjemahan bebas; 7. unconstrained, bebas: he is somewhat ~ in his conversation, dia agak bebas dlm perbualannya; 8. lavish, profuse, mudah + approp v: he is very ~ with his advice, dia mudah memberikan nasihat; she is very ~ with money, dia mudah mengeluarkan wang; a ~ spender, (orang yg) /boros, kuat berbelanja/, pemboros; 9. costing nothing, percuma: a ~ ticket for the show, tiket percuma utk pertunjukan itu; ~ admission, masuk percuma; nothing in this world is ~, tdk ada yg percuma di dunia ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contribute | vi 1. donate, menyumbang: they ~d to the cancer fund, mereka menyumbang kpd tabung kanser; 2. supply ideas, articles, effort, etc, menyumbangkan + approp n: many people have ~d to the dictionary project, ramai orang yg telah menyumbangkan tenaga thdp projek kamus itu; she ~s to the newspaper every week, dia menyumbangkan artikel kpd surat khabar itu setiap minggu; 3. be partly responsible, merupakan antara sebab: his wife’s extravagance ~d to his financial difficulties, sifat boros isterinya merupakan antara sebab yg menimbulkan masalah kewangannya; the parents’ participation ~d to the success of these school projects, penglibatan ibu bapa merupakan antara sebab kejayaan projek-projek sekolah ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |