brutal | adj 1. viciously cruel, kejam: it was a ~ crime, itu jenayah yg kejam; a ~ murderer, pembunuh yg kejam; 2. harsh, severe, menyeksakan, teruk: a ~ winter, musim sejuk yg menyeksakan; 3. merciless, tanpa belas kasihan: ~ frankness, sifat terus terang tanpa belas kasihan; 4. undeniable but harsh, pahit: the ~ truth, kebenaran yg pahit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vicious | adj 1. brutal, kejam; (of blow) dahsyat: a ~ murderer, pembunuh yg kejam; he gave a ~ blow to the man’s head, dia memberikan tumbukan yg dahsyat di kepala lelaki itu; 2. ferocious or hostile, dangerous, ganas: lions, tigers and other ~ animals, singa, harimau dan binatang-binatang lain yg ganas; 3. malicious, dgn niat jahat: ~ gossip, umpatan dgn niat jahat; a ~ lie, bohong dgn niat jahat; 4. savage, dipenuhi kata-kata /pedas, tajam/: a ~ and anonymous letter, surat layang yg dipenuhi dgn kata-kata pedas; 5. intense, severe, hebat: a ~ typhoon, taufan yg hebat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brutalize | vt 1. make brutal, menjadikan [sso] kejam: his experience in the concentration camp ~d him, pengalamannya di kem tahanan menjadikannya kejam; 2. treat brutally, (act.) berlaku kejam thdp; (pass.) diperlakukan dgn kejam: the prisoners who were ~d by the KGB, banduan-banduan yg diperlakukan dgn kejam oleh KGB. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
psychopath | n orang gila; (tech) psikopat: the brutal murder must have been committed by a ~, pembunuhan kejam itu mesti telah dilakukan oleh orang gila. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brute | n 1. beast, binatang; 2. brutal person, (orang yg) bersifat /spt binatang, kebinatangan/: he is a ~ to his wife, dia bersifat spt binatang thdp isterinya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barbaric | adj 1. rough, crude, gasar: ~ people, orang gasar; 2. brutal, kejam: a ~ punishment, hukuman yg kejam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barbarity | n 1. brutality, kekejaman: the ~ of war, kekejaman perang; 2. brutal act, kekejaman, keganasan: the barbarities committed by the terrorists, kekejaman yg dilakukan oleh pengganas-pengganas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brutality | n 1. quality or state of being viciously cruel, kekejaman: the ~ of the attack, kekejaman serangan itu; 2. brutal act, kekejaman: the brutalities of war, kekejaman perang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defence | n 1. action to protect against attack, danger, etc, mempertahankan; (os) mempertahankan diri sso: the old couple had no ~ against such a brutal attack, pasangan tua itu tdk dapat mempertahankan diri drpd serangan yg begitu kejam; 2. system, organization of military etc, pertahanan: national ~, pertahanan negara; ~ expenditure, perbelanjaan pertahanan; civil ~, pertahanan awam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
butcher | n 1. retailer of meat, penjual daging; 2. one who slaughters or dresses meat, penyembelih, pembantai; 3. wanton or brutal murderer, pembunuh yg kejam: the General was a ~, Jeneral itu pembunuh yg kejam; 4. one who ruins or bungles st, penjahanam, perosak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |