echo | vi bergema, bergaung: the hills ~ed with the sound of his shouts, bukit-bukit itu bergema dgn bunyi pekikannya; the bells ~ed through the valley,bunyi loceng-loceng itu bergema di seluruh lembah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honeycomb | vt (usu pass.) berlubang-lubang spt indung madu: the limestone hills are ~ed with caves, bukit-bukit batu kapur itu berlubang-lubang dgn gua, spt indung madu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cloak | vt 1. cover, (lit. & fig.) menyelubungi: the hills are ~ed with snow, bukit-bukit itu diselubungi salji; the whole affair was ~ed in mystery, seluruh peristiwa itu diselubungi misteri; 2. conceal, menyembunyikan: he ~ed his disappointment well, dia dapat menyembunyikan rasa kecewanya dgn baik sekali. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
about | prep 1. round, around, a. encircling, (di) sekitar, (di) sekeliling: the hills ~ the town, bukit-bukit di sekitar bandar itu; b. near, dekat, berhampiran dgn, (di) sekeliling: the streets ~ the palace, jalan-jalan dekat istana itu; c. here and there in, di sana sini di: his papers were scattered ~ the room, kertas-kertasnya bertaburan di sana sini di bilik itu; 2. on (o’s person), connected with, pada: I didn’t happen to have his letter ~ me at the time, kebetulan suratnya tdk ada pada saya waktu itu; there’s something ~ that house that unnerves me, ada sesuatu pada rumah itu yg membuat saya gelisah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clothe | vt 1. provide clothes for, menyediakan pakaian utk: to ~ o’s family, menyediakan pakaian utk keluarga; 2. cover, melitupi, menutupi: snow ~d the hills, salji melitupi bukit-bukit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beyond | adv 1. on, to the farther side, di /(se)balik, sebelah/ sana; (of road, river, sea, etc) di seberang sana: I wonder what lies ~, apa agaknya yg terdapat di sebalik sana; a meadow with hills ~, tanah pamah dgn bukit-bukit di sebalik sana; the Indian Ocean and the lands ~, Lautan Hindi dan daratan di seberang sana; 2. further, selanjutnya, seterusnya: through secondary education and ~, melalui pendidikan menengah dan seterusnya; the 1980’s and ~, tahun-tahun 1980-an dan seterusnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hilly | adj berbukit-bukit: ~ country, kawasan yg berbukit-bukit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downhill | adv menuruni bukit: to walk ~, berjalan menuruni bukit; go ~, become worse, merosot; (of person, person’s life) bertambah teruk: he went ~ after his retirement, keadaannya bertambah teruk selepas dia bersara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hedge | vt enclose a. (with hedge) memagari [sst] dgn pokok renek; (when the type is specified) memagari: he ~d the back garden, dia memagari kebun di belakang rumah itu dgn pokok renek; b. (as if with hedge) memagari: a grazing field ~d by small hills, padang ragut yg dipagari bukit-bukit kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hill | n 1. high land lower than a mountain, bukit: on top of the ~, di atas bukit; 2. heap, timbunan, longgokan: a ~ of dried grass, timbunan rumput kering; 3. mound of earth, busut: these ~s are made by termites, busut-busut ini ditimbunkan oleh anai-anai; over the ~, (colloq) [various translations]: although forty is old for a boxer, Foreman is certainly not over the ~, walaupun usia empat puluh tahun adalah tua bagi seorang petinju, namun Foreman masih jaguh lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |