house-top | <i>ni> /bumbung, atap/ rumah; /shout, proclaim, etc/ from the ~s, menghebahkan: <i>we don’t want all our private business shouted from the ~s,i> kita tdk mahu segala hal peribadi kita dihebahkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hipped roof | <i>ni> bumbung limas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard-top | <i>ni> kereta bumbung keras. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gabled | <i>adji> bertebeng layar, gabel: <i>~ roof,i> bumbung gabel. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | ~ st in, a. (<i>holei>), /mengambus, menimbus/ sst: <i>the grave was quickly ~ed in,i> kubur itu dikambus dgn segera; b. <i>put a roof over,i> memasang bumbung: <i>the car park will be ~ed in,i> tempat letak kereta itu akan dipasangi bumbung; ~ so. in st, (<i>usu pass.i>) <i>be overcome by st,i> diselubungi sst: <i>he was ~ed in confusion,i> dia diselubungi kebingungan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ceiling | ~ pay, had tinggi gaji; ~ price, harga bumbung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ in, a. <i>collapse,i> runtuh, roboh: <i>the roof fell in,i> bumbung itu runtuh; b. <i>sink in,i> cengkung: <i>his cheeks have ~en in,i> pipinya cengkung; c. (<i>of debt etci>) sampai tempohnya; ~ in with, a. <i>meet by chance,i> bertembung: <i>we fell in with some students on the way,i> kami bertembung dgn beberapa penuntut dlm perjalanan; b. <i>comply with,i> bersetuju dgn: <i>he fell in with her suggestion,i> dia bersetuju dgn syornya; c. <i>be in accord with,i> bersesuaian dgn: <i>their ideas exactly fell in with ours,i> idea-idea mereka benar-benar bersesuaian dgn idea-idea kami; ~ in love, jatuh cinta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
domed | <i>adji> 1. <i>shaped like a dome,i> berbentuk kubah: <i>a ~ roof,i> bumbung yg berbentuk kubah; 2. <i>possessing dome,i> berkubah: <i>a ~ palace,i> istana yg berkubah; 3. (<i>of foreheadi>) jendul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
column | <i>ni> 1. <i>upright pillar,i> tiang: <i>the ~s supporting the roof,i> tiang-tiang yg menyokong bumbung; <i>Nelson’s ~,i> tiang Nelson; 2. <i>any column-shaped object or mass,i> a. (<i>of smoke etci>) kepulan, gumpalan; b. (<i>of wateri>) pancutan, memancut: <i>a ~ of water shot up from the ground,i> pancutan air dr tanah; c. (<i>the steering columni>) turus roda kemudi; 3. (<i>journi>) <i>regular article, feature,i> ruang: <i>gossip ~,i> ruang desas-desus; 4. <i>a vertical row or list,i> lajur: <i>write the figures in the ~s provided,i> tulis angka-angka di dalam lajur yg disediakan; 5. <i>line of ships, people, etc following one another,i> jajaran: <i>a ~ of soldiers,i> jajaran askar; <i>a ~ of ants,i> jajaran semut; 6. (<i>boti>) turus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cave | <i>vi;i> ~ in, a. <i>collapse,i> roboh, runtuh: <i>the roof of the old mine shaft ~d in,i> bumbung lombong lama itu roboh; b. <i>surrender,i> menyerah: <i>the besieged troops finally ~d in,i> askar-askar yg terkepung itu akhirnya menyerah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |