Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[bun] | بون

Definisi : ark sj peti kecil drpd tembaga dll (tempat sirih dll). (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata bun

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

bunn 1. (bread) ban; 2. knot or coil of hair, sanggul, siput, kundai, konde; wear o’s hair in a ~, bersanggul: she wore her hair in a ~, dia bersanggul.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
rock bun, rock caken rock bun.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
wad3. (UK), (sl) bun, sandwich, roti;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
nicelyadv 1. in an attractive manner, dgn /cantik, menarik/: her long hair was ~ arranged in a bun, rambutnya yg panjang didandan dgn menarik dlm bentuk sanggul; 2. very well, satisfactorily, dgn elok: this car has been running ~ for years, kereta ini berjalan dgn elok bertahun-tahun lamanya; do ~, a. become better, bertambah baik: the patient is doing ~, pesakit itu bertambah baik; b. be in a good financial position, sudah senang: the couple is doing very ~ these days, pasangan itu sudah senang sekarang; c. suffice very well, sudah elok sangat: you don’t have to write a long letter, a little note will do ~, kamu tdk perlu menulis surat yg panjang, catatan yg ringkas pun sudah elok sangat; suit ~, sudah elok sangat; 3. politely, baik-baik: if you ask ~ he will certainly agree, jika kamu bertanya baik-baik, sudah tentu dia akan bersetuju.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lustrousadj 1. glossy, berkilat; (of pearls) merelap, berkilau: her long, ~ black hair was neatly tied up into a bun, rambutnya yg panjang dan hitam berkilat itu disanggul rapi; a ~ pearl set in diamonds, mutiara yg merelap bertatahkan berlian; 2. (of eyes etc) shining, bersinar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
mutter2. grumble, bersungut, merungut, mengomel: the workers are ~ing about the canteen food, pekerja-pekerja bersungut ttg makanan di kantin itu; 3. (of thunder) rumble, bergema: thunder ~ed in the distance, bunKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
pin~ up, a. see vt (sense 2.); b. turn up edge of piece of clothing, curtain, etc, menyemat: I’ve ~ned the hem of the skirt up to see if it looks better a little shorter, saya telah menyemat kelepet skirt itu utk melihat sama ada skirt itu kelihatan lebih elok jika disingkatkan sedikit; c. make (hair) into bun etc, menyepit: her hair looks much neater if it’s ~ned up, rambutnya kelihatan lebih kemas jika disepit; she ~ned her hair up into a bun, dia menyepit rambutnya menjadi sanggul.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
stay 1 ~ put (colloq), [various translations]: ~ put at the clinic until I come, tunggu di klinik itu sehingga saya datang; some people ~ put in one job all their lives, sesetengah orang tetap dgn satu pekerjaan sahaja dlm hidup mereka; her bun would not ~ put because her hairpins kept falling out, sanggulnya tdk mahu terletak sebab pinnya asyik terlucut sahaja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
wearvt 1. have (clothes etc) on the body or part of the body, memakai: she was ~ing an evening dress for the party, dia memakai pakaian malam utk ke majlis keramaian itu; she wore a necklace of emeralds and diamonds, dia memakai rantai zamrud dan berlian; he ~s size 10 shoes, dia memakai kasut saiz 10; I need to ~ spectacles for reading, saya perlu memakai kaca mata utk membaca; 2. have (o’s hair, beard) cut in a particular way, ber- (approp n): she ~s her hair in a bun, dia bersanggul; he keeps long hair and ~s a beard, dia menyimpan rambut panjang dan berjanggut; 3. show a feeling on the face, kelihatan, nampak: her face wore a look of joy, wajahnya kelihatan girang; he wore an angry expression, wajahnya nampak marah; 4. have a type of look, kelihatan, nampak: the town wore a look of neglect, bandar itu kelihatan terabai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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