adorn | vt menghiasi: flowers ~ her hair, rambutnya dihiasi bunga-bunga; the bridal room has been ~ed beautifully, bilik pengantin itu telah dihiasi dgn indahnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | ~ away, memotong: to ~ away the wilted flowers, memotong bunga-bunga yg layu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embellishment | n 1. act of beautifying, penghiasan, menghias: money provided for the ~ of the building, wang yg disediakan utk menghias bangunan itu; 2. st serving to embellish, bunga-bunga: similes and metaphors as poetical ~s, kiasan dan metafora sbg bunga-bunga puisi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fade | vi, 1. droop, wither, layu: flowers bloom and ~, bunga-bunga berkembang dan layu; 2. lose brightness, a. (of colour, coloured things), (menjadi) /pudar, luntur/: colours which will not ~, warna yg tdk akan menjadi pudar; the curtains have ~d, langsir-langsir sudah luntur; b. (of photograph, picture, writing), (menjadi) kabur; c. (of light) menjadi kelam; 3. lose vigour, strength, semakin lemah; 4. diminish, dwindle, a. also ~ away, (of sound) menjadi perlahan; (because of increasing distance) semakin sayup (kedengaran): the music ~d as the boat moved further downstream, bunyi muzik semakin sayup kedengaran apabila bot itu semakin jauh menghilir sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embroidery | n 1. (needlework) sulaman; 2. elaboration, exaggeration, bunga-bunga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faded | adj 1. withered, layu: to throw away the ~ flowers, membuang bunga-bunga yg layu; 2. that has lost brightness, a. (of colour, coloured things) , /pudar, luntur/ warnanya: ~ jeans, jean yg pudar warnanya; b. (of photograph, picture, writing) kabur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beautiful | adj 1. delighting the eye, a. (gen) cantik: a ~ vase, jambangan bunga yg cantik; ~ flowers, bunga-bunga yg cantik; a ~ horse, kuda yg cantik; that’s a ~ car, cantik kereta itu; b. (of woman) cantik, jelita, lawa, rupawan: a ~ actress, seniwati yg cantik; c. (of face) cantik, jelita, lawa, rupawan; d. (of eyes, hands, legs, etc) cantik: ~ brown eyes, mata berwarna coklat yg cantik; e. (of building, place, scenery) indah, cantik: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fragrance | n 1. sweetness of smell, keharuman, kewangian: the ~ of the roses filled the room, keharuman bunga-bunga mawar bersemerbak di bilik itu; 2. sweet smell, haruman, wangian: our air freshener is sold in five different ~s, penyegar udara kami dijual dlm lima haruman yg berbeza. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cluster | b. grow in clusters round st, tumbuh berumpun di keliling sst: roses ~ing round the cottage windows, bunga-bunga mawar tumbuh berumpun di keliling tingkap-tingkap rumah itu; c. be situated, found round st, terdapat di keliling sst: groups of thatched houses ~ed round the mosque, kumpulan-kumpulan rumah atap terdapat di keliling masjid itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blanket | vt 1. cover with thick layer or mass of st, meliputi, melitupi: wild flowers ~ing the hillsides, bunga-bunga liar yg meliputi lereng-lereng bukit; the valley was ~ed with mist, lembah itu diliputi kabus; 2. usu ~ out, cause to be obscure, mengelamkan, mengaburkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |