bag | (made from cloth) buntil; 3. bagful or bag and its contents, [use equivalents given in senses 1. & 2.]: she came out of the shop with three ~s of groceries, dia keluar dr kedai membawa tiga beg barang-barang dapur; a 30 kg ~ of rice, sekarung beras seberat 30 kg; 4. puffiness under eyes, gelambir, gedabir, gelabir; 5. pouched, pendulous body part, kantung; 6. (in pl), (sl) banyak: he has ~s of money, dia ada banyak wang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
into | c. (in shape), /hingga, supaya/ menjadi: his clothes were tied up ~ a bundle, pakaiannya diikat supaya menjadi satu buntil; roll the dough ~ small balls, bulat-bulatkan adunan itu hingga menjadi bebola kecil; d. (in language used) ke (dalam): the novel will be translated ~ Tagalog, novel itu akan diterjemahkan ke bahasa Tagalog; 8. (rel to age) dalam; (rel to period of o’s life), [not translated]: my guess is that she is well ~ her seventies, saya rasa dia sudah dalam lingkungan tujuh puluhan; he must be well ~ middle age, pasti dia sudah menjangkau pertengahan umur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bag | vt 1. put into bag(s) memasukkan ke dlm + approp n [see BAG n senses 1. & 2. ]: to ~ flour, memasukkan tepung ke dlm buntil; 2. cause to swell, menggelembungkan, menggembungkan, mengembungkan, melembungkan; 3. (in hunting) mendapat, memperoleh: the hunters ~ged five deer, pemburu-pemburu itu mendapat lima ekor rusa; 4. (colloq) a. take without permission, mengambil: who has ~ged my ruler?, siapa yg telah mengambil kayu pembaris saya?; b. reserve the right to have, mengecup: she ~ed the front seats, dia mengecup kerusi barisan hadapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |