inharmonious | <i>adji> (<i>fmli>) 1. <i>discordant,i> sumbang, tdk harmoni: <i>~ sounds,i> bunyi-bunyi sumbang; 2. <i> incongruous,i> tdk /harmoni, bersesuaian/: <i>an ~ group of buildings, i> sekelompok bangunan yg tdk harmoni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
growl | <i>ni> 1. <i>rough, guttural sound of animal,i> bunyi (anjing, kucing, dll) menggeram; (<i>of tiger, lioni>) bunyi (harimau, singa) mengaum, bunyi aum (harimau, singa); 2. (<i>of thunder, engine, etci>) bunyi /deram-derum, deram, derum/ (sst), bunyi (sst) /berderam-derum, berderam, berderum/: <i>the ~ of the outboard motor,i> bunyi motor sangkut berderum; 3. <i>st said in a low, gruff voice,i> suara geram: <i>he gave a ~ of disapproval,i> dia membantah dgn suara geram; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burr2 | <i>ni> 1. <i>whirring sound,i> (bunyi) /deru, deruan/; <i>(of telephone)i> bunyi getar: <i>the ~ of a car in the distance,i> bunyi deruan kereta kedengaran di kejauhan; 2. <i>trilled ‘r’ made when speaking English,i> menggetarkan bunyi ‘r’: <i>he speaks with a slight Irish ~,i> dia bercakap dgn menggetarkan bunyi ‘r’ spt orang Ireland; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clamour | <i>ni> 1. <i>loud, confused outcry of human voices or animal sounds,i> bunyi riuh; (<i>extremely loudi>) bunyi /riuh-rendah, hingar-bingar/: <i>the ~ of voices coming from the other room,i> bunyi riuh suara dr bilik sebelah; 2. <i>loud, continued noise,i> bunyi bising: <i>she closed the window to shut out the ~ of the traffic,i> dia menutup tingkap supaya bunyi bising lalu lintas tdk kedengaran; 3. <i>loud, insistent demand or complaint,i> suara desakan ramai: <i>the ~ for independence grew more insistent,i> suara desakan ramai yg menuntut kemerdekaan menjadi bertambah kuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hoot | <i>ni> 1. <i>owl’s cry,i> bunyi burung hantu; 2. <i>sound resembling this,i> a. (<i>of car horn etci>) bunyi pon(-pon); b. (<i>of whistlei>), (bunyi) siut; 3. <i>sound made to show disapproval, contempt, etc,i> bunyi mengejek: <i>the ~s of the audience could be heard outside the hall,i> bunyi mengejek para penonton boleh didengar hingga di luar dewan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
call | <i>ni> 1. <i>cry, shout,i> teriakan; (<i>to so.i>) panggilan: <i>a ~ for help,i> teriakan meminta pertolongan; 2. (<i>of birdi>) bunyi: <i>the owl’s ~,i> bunyi burung hantu; 3. <i>signal,i> bunyi: <i>bugle ~,i> bunyi begol; 4. <i>alsoi> telephone ~, panggilan (telefon): <i>who answered the ~?,i> siapa yg menjawab panggilan telefon itu?; <i>local ~,i> panggilan tempatan; give so. a ~, menelefon sso; 5. <i>short visit,i> kunjungan, lawatan: <i>to return so’s ~,i> membalas kunjungan sso; 6. <i>summons, bidding,i> panggilan: <i>to await the ~ from headquarters,i> menunggu panggilan dr ibu pejabat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
click | <i>ni> 1. (<i>soundi>) bunyi klik: <i>the ~ of the key,i> bunyi klik kunci; <i>the ~ of a camera,i> bunyi klik kamera;bv2. (<i>lingi>) klik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
honk | <i>ni> 1. <i>soundi> (<i>of car horni>) bunyi pon(-pon): <i>the ~ of the car horn woke me,i> bunyi pon kereta membuat saya terjaga; 2. <i>cryi> (<i>of wild goose etci>) bunyi ang: <i>the ~s of geese greeted us as we came through the gate,i> bunyi ang angsa menyambut kami sebaik sahaja kami masuk melalui pintu pagar itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clack | <i>ni> 1. (<i>soundi>) bunyi keletak(-keletuk): <i>the ~ of the typewriter,i> bunyi keletak-keletuk mesin taip; 2. (<i>colloqi>) <i>noisy chatter,i> bunyi ocehan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hiss | <i>ni> 1. (<i>of snake, escaping gasi>), (bunyi) desis: <i>the ~ of a snake,i> desis ular; 2. (<i>of steam, water on a hot surfacei>) bunyi desir; 3. (<i>as expression of dislikei>), (bunyi) desis: <i>there were ~es from the audience when the announcement was made,i> terdengar bunyi desis di kalangan penonton apabila pengumuman itu dibuat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |