bow2 | n 1. weapon for shooting arrows, busur, ibu panah: to draw the ~, menarik busur; ~ and arrow, panah; 2. archer, pemanah; 3. st curved or arc-shaped, lengkungan; 4. knot made with loop (s) simpul(an); tie st into a ~, menyimpulkan sst: she tied the shoe-laces into a ~, dia menyimpulkan tali kasut itu; 5. ribbon etc so tied, reben: she put a ~ in her hair, dia membubuh reben pd rambutnya; 6. a. rod used for playing the violin etc, penggesek; b. stroke with such a rod, gesekan; 7. see BOW-TIE; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crossbow | n busur silang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bow-saw | n gergaji busur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bowstring | n tali /(ibu) panah, busur/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrow | n 1. missile shot from a bow, anak /panah, busur/; 2. pointer resembling an arrow, (tanda) anak panah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bent | adj 1. curved, lentur, lengkung: the bow is not ~ enough, busur itu tdk cukup lentur; 2. crooked, bengkok: the barrel of this rifle is ~, laras senapang ini bengkok; 3. (of person, person’s body) bongkok: an old man ~ with age, orang tua yg bongkok; 4. (of head), (ter)tunduk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bend | vt 1. cause to assume a curved shape, a. (gen) melenturkan, melengkungkan: he can ~ an iron bar into a semi-circle, dia dapat melenturkan batang besi itu menjadi separuh bulatan; she bent the sapling down to the ground, dia melengkungkan anak pokok itu sampai ke tanah; to ~ a bow, melenturkan busur; b. (head), (act.) menundukkan; (pass.) tunduk: he bent his head in a show of respect, dia menundukkan kepalanya sbg tanda hormat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | 6. take in, menarik, menghela: to ~ a deep breath, menarik nafas panjang; 7. extract, take (water, energy, etc) mengambil: ~ing water from a well, mengambil air dr perigi; to ~ beer from a cask, mengambil bir dr tong; 8. discharge, mengeluarkan: he drew the poison from the snake bite, dia mengeluarkan racun dr luka patukan ular; 9. pull back string of, menarik: he drew the bow and took aim, dia menarik busur itu dan membidik; 10. shape, membentuk: the processes involved in ~ing wires, proses yg terlibat dlm membentuk wayar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |