gull 1 | n burung camar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 16. (indic quantity, number), [not translated]: the gulls came ~ their thousands to nest on the island, beribu-ribu ekor burung camar datang ke pulau itu utk membuat sarang; 17. wearing, a. (gen) memakai, ber + [n]: women ~ sarees, wanita yg bersari; he came down ~ his pyjamas, dia turun dgn memakai baju tidurnya; ~ uniform, berpakaian seragam; girls ~ bikinis, gadis-gadis yg memakai bikini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glide | vi 1. move smoothly, effortlessly, meluncur; (of bird) meluncur, melayang; (of flowing water) mengalir; (of people walking about) berjalan dgn cepat: dancers ~ing around the ballroom, penari-penari yg meluncur mengelilingi dewan tari-menari itu; the sea-gulls ~d down to the water’s edge, burung-burung camar itu meluncur turun ke gigi air; the boat ~d under the bridge, bot meluncur di bawah jambatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cry | vi 1. weep, menangis: she cries easily, dia mudah menangis; I can hear her ~ing from the next room, saya dapat mendengar dia menangis dr bilik sebelah; 2. (of animal, bird) make loud sound, [various translations]: the seagulls cried and flapped their wings, burung camar berteriak dan mengepak-ngepakkan sayapnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |