intermingle | vi move around and mix together, bercampur; (secretly, furtively) masuk di celah-celah [orang ramai]: at the bazaars, holiday makers ~ freely with the natives of the island, di bazar, orang-orang yg bercuti itu bercampur bebas dgn penduduk pulau tersebut; the colours ~d harmoniously, warna-warna itu bercampur dgn harmoni; several plainclothes policemen ~d with the crowd, beberapa orang mata-mata yg berpakaian preman masuk di celah-celah orang ramai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disappearing | adj menghilang: they watched the ~ figure through the trees, mereka memperhatikan lembaga yg menghilang itu dr celah-celah pokok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flush3 | vt menggarah: the dog ~ed a duck from the reeds, anjing itu menggarah seekor itik dr celah-celah menerung itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chink | n 1. slit, narrow opening, celah, sela: he could see her through the ~s in the wall, dia dapat melihat gadis itu melalui celah-celah dinding; 2. (sound) decingan: the ~ of china, decingan pinggan mangkuk tembikar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dapple | vt menjadikan bertelau-telau: sunlight that filtered through the leaves ~d the roof of the hut, cahaya matahari yg menembusi celah-celah daun menjadikan atap pondok itu bertelau-telau; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forward | adv 1. towards the front, ke /hadapan, depan/: he moved ~ through the crowd, dia berjalan ke depan di celah-celah orang ramai; the chairman called him ~ to make the announcement, pengerusi memanggilnya ke depan utk membuat pengumuman; she leaned ~ to get a better view, dia menjengah ke hadapan supaya dapat melihat dgn lebih jelas; 2. towards particular person or thing, ke arah [sso, sst]: when the old lady collapsed on the pavement, several people rushed ~ to help her, apabila wanita tua itu rebah di kaki lima, beberapa orang meluru ke arahnya utk membantu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forward | adv 1. towards the front, ke /hadapan, depan/: he moved ~ through the crowd, dia berjalan ke depan di celah-celah orang ramai; the chairman called him ~ to make the announcement, pengerusi memanggilnya ke depan utk membuat pengumuman; she leaned ~ to get a better view, dia menjengah ke hadapan supaya dapat melihat dgn lebih jelas; 2. towards particular person or thing, ke arah [sso, sst]: when the old lady collapsed on the pavement, several people rushed ~ to help her, apabila wanita tua itu rebah di kaki lima, beberapa orang meluru ke arahnya utk membantu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glimpse | vt catch sight of, see momentarily, ternampak /sepintas lalu, sekilas, sekali imbas/: she ~d the house through the trees, dia ternampak rumah itu sepintas lalu di celah-celah pokok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
earthy | adj 1. like earth, (spt) tanah: ~ smell, bau tanah; ~ taste, rasa spt tanah; 2. consisting of earth, tanah: ~ patches between the rocks, tompok-tompok tanah di celah-celah batu; 3. a. (of person) biasa dan berterus-terang; b. (of sense of humour) agak kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | I’ve got through a lot of cleaning today, saya dapat menyelesaikan banyak kerja mencuci hari ini; d. finish reading st, (habis, selesai) membaca sst: she can’t possibly ~ through all these files in a week, tdk mungkin dia dapat membaca kandungan semua fail ini dlm masa seminggu; I still haven’t got through the book you lent me last week, saya masih belum habis membaca buku yg kamu pinjamkan minggu lalu; e. move or pass through st, lalu di celah-celah sst: he couldn’t ~ through the crowd, dia tdk dapat lalu di celah-celah orang ramai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |