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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata ceruk I

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

corner<i>ni> 1. <i>point, place where two sides meet,i> sudut, penjuru, bucu: <i>a square has four ~s,i> segi empat tepat mempunyai empat sudut; <i>in a ~ of the room,i> di suatu sudut bilik itu; <i>there was a speck of dust in the ~ of her eye,i> ada habuk melekat di sudut matanya; 2. <i>bend,i> selekoh (jalan): <i>a sharp ~,i> selekoh tajam; <i>the car disappeared around the ~,i> kereta itu menghilang di selekoh jalan; 3. <i>nook,i> ceruk, pelosok: <i>the money was hidden in odd ~s of the house,i> wang itu tersorok di ceruk sana ceruk sini rumah itu; <i>people came from all ~s of the country,i> orang datang dr setiap pelosok tanah air; 4. <i>also corner – kick,i> tendangan /penjuru, sudut/; 5. <i>alsoi> <i>corner – hit, pukulan sudut; 6. (<i>econi>) monopoli pasaran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cornerin a tight ~, dlm keadaan terdesak; /look, glance/ at so. out of the ~ of o’s eye, mengerling (dr /sudut, ekor/ mata); make a ~ in, memonopoli pasaran; out of the ~ of o’s eye, dr /sudut, ekor/ mata: <i>I noticed out of the ~ of my eye that someone had entered the room,i> dr sudut mata, saya ternampak ada orang masuk ke bilik itu; the four ~s of the /earth, world/, seluruh /ceruk rantau, pelosok dunia/; turn the ~, (<i>after an illness, crisis, etci>), (<i>approp ni> +) pulih: <i>he had been ill for a long time, but turned the ~ after the operation,i> dia sudah lama sakit, tetapi keadaannya pulih selepas pembedahan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endmake (<i>bothi>) ~s meet,i>that has helped me no ~, i>itu banyak menolong saya; no ~ of, (<i>colloqi> ), [<i>various translationsi>]: <i>I had no ~ of work,i> saya ada banyak kerja; <i>it’ll cost me no ~ of money, i>harganya tinggi; no ~ of os, menganggap diri sso besar: <i>she thinks no ~ of herself,i> dia menganggap dirinya besar; on ~, <i>continuously,i> [<i>no specif translationi>]: <i>she talks for hours on ~,i> dia bercakap berjam-jam lamanya; <i>he claimed he could go without food for weeks on ~,i> dia mengatakan bahawa dia tahan tdk makan berminggu-minggu lamanya; place st on (its) ~, menegakkan sst; /put, make/ an ~ to, menghentikan; the ~s of the earth, segala /pelosok dunia, ceruk rantau/; without ~, tdk /putus-putus, henti-hentinya, habis-habis/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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