clothed | adj berpakaian: a beggar ~ in rags, pengemis yg berpakaian compang-camping. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elbow | at o’s ~, berdamping dgn, di samping, di sisi: his wife is always at his ~, isterinya selalu berdamping dengannya;/bend, crook, lift/ o’s ~, (kuat) minum arak; get the ~, kena pecat; give so. the ~, /memecat, membuang, mengeluarkan/ sso; out at ~s, a. (of clothes) worn out, lusuh; b. (of person) shabbily dressed, berpakaian compang-camping; rub ~s with, bergaul (rapat) dgn; up to the ~s (in, with), sibuk: I’m up to the ~s in painting the house, saya sedang sibuk mengecat rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |