invisible | adj 1. cannot be seen, tdk dapat dilihat; (of st imaginary, non-existent) halimunan, limunan, tdk dapat dilihat: the organism is ~ to the naked eye, organisma itu tdk dapat dilihat dgn mata kasar; an ~ hair net, jaring rambut yg tdk dapat dilihat; due to the thick fog, the mountain is ~ from here, kabut yg tebal menyebabkan gunung itu tdk dapat dilihat dr sini; the little girl seemed to be having a lively conversation with some ~ person, budak perempuan itu nampaknya sedang rancak berbual dgn orang yg tdk dapat dilihat; rumours about the ~ man began to circulate in the little village, cerita ttg orang limunan itu mula tersebar di kampung tersebut; 2. (econ) tak nampak: ~ export, eksport tak nampak; ~ earnings, perolehan tak nampak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imperceptible | adj tdk dapat dilihat: an organism so small that it is ~ to the naked eye, organisma yg begitu kecil sehingga tdk dapat dilihat dgn mata asar; the difference is ~ to him, perbezaan itu tdk dapat dilihat olehnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indiscernible | adj a. cannot be seen clearly, tdk dapat dilihat dgn jelas; (of handwriting) tdk dapat dibaca: the houses were ~ in the mist, rumah-rumah itu tdk dapat dilihat dgn jelas dlm kabus; b. not clear, tdk jelas: the difference between the two signatures was almost ~, perbezaan antara dua tanda tangan itu hampir tdk jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commanding | adj 1. being in command, pemerintah: ~ officer, pegawai pemerintah; 2. having air of authority, memerintah: she has such a ~ voice, suaranya mempunyai nada memerintah; 3. overlooking, dr... dapat dilihat [sst], [sst] dapat dilihat dr...: the fort has a ~ view of the valley, dr kubu itu dapat dilihat pemandangan seluruh lembah tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
invisibility | n keadaan [sst yg] tdk dapat dilihat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
command | ~ a high fee, mengenakan bayaran yg tinggi: he ~s a high fee for his service, dia mengenakan bayaran yg tinggi bagi perkhidmatannya; ~ respect, dihormati; 5. control from high position, mengawal: the fortress ~ed the entrance to the harbour, kota itu mengawal jalan masuk ke pelabuhan; 6. overlook (usu view etc) dr... dapat dilihat [sst], [sst] dapat dilihat dr...: the hill ~s a fine view, dr atas bukit itu dapat dilihat pemandangan yg indah or pemandangan yg indah dapat dilihat dr atas bukit itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blaze1 | n 1. strong, bright flame, api (yg marak): the ~ could be seen for miles, api itu dapat dilihat berbatu-batu jauhnya; burst into a ~, memarak; 2. fire, (consuming building etc) api (kebakaran): the firemen managed to put out the ~, pasukan bomba berjaya memadamkan api kebakaran itu; be in a ~, dijilat api; 3. brilliance, (of lights, colour) bersemarak: the flower-beds were a ~ of reds, violets and yellows, batas-batas bunga itu bersemarak dgn warna merah, ungu dan kuning; 4. intense outburst (of feelings), [approp n] yg /berapi-api, bernyala-nyala, meluap-luap/: a ~ of anger, kemarahan yg berapi-api; a ~ of patriotism, semangat patriotik yg meluap-luap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleam | n 1. glow, /cahaya, sinar/ lembut: all that could be seen in the darkness was the ~ of a lamp in the window, yg dapat dilihat dlm kegelapan itu hanyalah cahaya lembut lampu di tingkap; 2. reflected glow, kilat: the ~ of well-polished shoes, kilat kasut yg digilap; 3. brief trace of some quality or emotion, sedikit: there is the occasional ~ of humour in the book, sekali-sekala terdapat sedikit unsur jenaka dlm buku itu; a ~ of hope came into his eyes, sedikit harapan terpancar di matanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discernible | adj capable of being perceived, a. (visually) dapat dilihat; b. (mentally) dapat /ditanggap, dicerap/: cynicism is ~ in his writings, kesinisan dapat ditanggap drpd tulisan-tulisannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frenzied | adj kegila-gilaan: ~ selling on the stock exchange, penjualan kegila-gilaan di bursa saham; during that week ~ activity was observed at the military bases, sepanjang minggu kegiatan yg kegila-gilaan dapat dilihat di pangkalan tentera itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |