forthcoming | adj 1. a. approaching in time, akan datang: the amendments to the bill will be tabled in the ~ parliamentary session, pindaan rang undang-undang itu akan dibahaskan dlm sidang parlimen yg akan datang; b. about to appear, akan terbit: a list of ~ books, senarai buku yg akan terbit; 2. ready, available when required, diberikan: the promised help was not ~, pertolongan yg dijanjikan tdk diberikan; the money will be ~ when the agreement is signed, wang akan diberikan setelah perjanjian ditandatangani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | vi 1. move toward, a. (speaker) mari: ~ to me, mari dekat saya; ~ and help me with the luggage, mari tolong saya mengangkat beg-beg ini; b. (a particular place, event) datang: may I ~ to your house?, boleh saya datang ke rumah kamu?; ~ at any time you like, datanglah bila-bila masa saja; ~ to my room, datang ke bilik saya; do ~ to my birthday party, datanglah ke majlis hari jadi saya; ~ here, mari ke sini; ~ home, /pulang, balik/ (ke rumah); ~ with me, mari ikut saya; (I’m) coming, saya datang; 2. arrive by movement or making progress, sampai, tiba: the train came slowly into the station, kereta api itu sampai di stesen perlahan-lahan; they came to a town, mereka sampai di sebuah bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
from | prep 1. (indic point of departure) dari: the train for Rome leaves ~ Paris, kereta api ke Rom berlepas dari Paris; he came ~ home, dia datang dari rumah; the nest fell ~ the tree, sarang burung itu jatuh dari pokok; 2. (indic source, place of origin), dari; (if “source” is person) daripada: he comes ~ Germany, dia datang dari Jerman; he drew water ~ the well, dia mengambil air dari perigi; you cannot draw conclusions ~ such evidence, kamu tdk dapat mengambil kesimpulan drpd keterangan begitu; the suggestion came ~ Hafiz, usul itu datang daripada Hafiz; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
avalanche | n 1. runtuhan + approp n: many people were killed in the ~, banyak orang yg terbunuh dlm runtuhan salji itu; 2. (fig.) datang mencurah-curah; (of words, questions, etc) hamburan: an ~ of fan mail, surat peminat yg datang mencurah-curah; an ~ of questions, hamburan pertanyaan; /inundated with, overwhelmed by, etc/ an ~ of, dihujani, dibanjiri: he was inundated with an ~ of congratulatory messages, dia dihujani surat ucap tahniah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
issue | vi 1. come out, flow out of, (of liquid) mengalir keluar; (of smoke) keluar; (of sound, smell) datang: blood was issuing from his nose, darah mengalir dr hidungnya; black smoke ~d from the chimney, asap hitam keluar dr corong asap; delicious smells that ~d from the kitchen, bau sedap yg datang dr dapur itu; 2. arise, result, timbul: the consequences issuing from this action, akibat yg timbul drpd tindakan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
call | vi 1. also ~ out, cry out, berteriak; (so’s name), memanggil: he ~ ed out as loudly as he could, dia berteriak sekuat-kuat hatinya; 2. summon, memanggil: did you ~, sir?, tuan memanggil saya?; 3. communicate by telephone, menelefon; 4. pay a visit, datang berkunjung: very few neighbours have ~ed, sedikit sekali jiran yg datang berkunjung; come to ~, datang berkunjung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
associate | n 1. partner, colleague (in business etc) rakan, sekutu: a business ~, rakan perniagaan; 2. companion, kawan, rakan, teman; 3. st that accompanies another, (sst yg) datang beriring: hope is an ~ to happiness, harapan datang beriring dgn kebahagiaan; 4. subordinate member (of institute, society, etc) ahli sekutu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chicken | n 1. domestic fowl, ayam; ~ and egg situation, kes yg mana datang dulu, ayam atau telur; count o’s ~s before they are hatched, burung terbang dipipiskan lada; 2. cooked flesh of domestic fowl, (daging) ayam; 3. coward, (sl) pengecut, penakut, bacul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accumulate | vi 1. (gen) berkumpul; (in a heap, pile, etc) berkumpul, bertimbun, berlonggok: water ~s in the low-lying areas, air berkumpul di kawasan-kawasan rendah; dust had ~d on the ledges, habuk telah berkumpul di belebas; rubbish accumulating in the back lanes, sampah yg berlonggok di lorong-lorong belakang; 2. (of asset, dividend, profit, etc) bertambah: to allow interest to ~, membiarkan faedah bertambah; 3. (of trouble, problem, disaster, etc) datang bertimpa-timpa: soon after they arrived, their troubles began to ~, sebaik sahaja mereka sampai kesusahan pun datang bertimpa-timpa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inconvenient | adj 1. not suitable, appropriate, tdk sesuai: they called at an ~ moment, mereka datang pd masa yg tdk sesuai; 2. troublesome, menyusahkan: an ~ arrangement, rancangan yg menyusahkan; 3. uncomfortable, tdk selesa: ~ lodgings, tempat penginapan yg tdk selesa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |