boom1 | vi 1. make loud, resonant sound, a. (of gun, thunder, etc) berdentum; (repeatedly) berdentam-dentum: the cannons ~ed, meriam berdentam-dentum; b. (of wave, surf) berdebum, berdebur; c. (of wind) menderu; d. (of voice) bergemuruh: his voice ~ed through the empty hall, suaranya bergemuruh di dewan yg kosong itu; 2. make deep, hollow cry, berdengut; 3. grow, prosper rapidly, melambung naik: business began to ~, perniagaan mula melambung naik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
banging | n bunyi /berdentam-dentum, berdegam-degum/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clap 1 | n 1. loud, explosive noise, dentum(an), dentam(an): the ~ of thunder, dentuman guruh; 2. sound of striking palms together, tepukan: the audience gave him a good ~, penonton-penonton memberinya tepukan gemuruh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crash | n 1. loud, shattering noise, (of glassware, crockery, etc breaking) bunyi derang; (of thunder, guns, etc booming) dentuman, bunyi dentum; (of tree falling) bunyi derak: 2. violent accident, kemalangan, nahas: a train ~, kemalangan kereta api; his parents were killed in a plane ~, ibu bapanya terkorban dlm nahas kapal terbang; 3. collapse, (of share market, business) kejatuhan: the Wall Street ~, kejatuhan pasaran saham Wall Street; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |