crunch | <i>ni> 1. <i>act of crushing noisily with the teeth,i> kunyah; (<i>of st big and hardi>) kerkah; 2. <i>noise caused by st crushing,i> bunyi derap: <i>I heard the ~ of his feet on the gravel lane,i> saya terdengar bunyi derap kakinya di jalan batu kerikil itu; <i>the ~ of the ice as the ship went through it,i> bunyi derap air batu apabila kapal itu melanggarnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clump | <i>ni> 1. <i>cluster,i> rumpun, kelompok: <i>a ~ of bamboo,i> serumpun buluh; in ~s,i> berumpun-rumpun, berkelompok-kelompok: <i>shrubs growing in ~s,i> pokok renek yg tumbuh berkelompok-kelompok; 2. <i>lump,i> gumpal: <i>a ~ of earth,i> segumpal tanah; 3. (<i>of soundi>) bunyi derap: <i>the ~ of boots,i> bunyi derap but; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crunch | <i>vti> 1. <i>also i>~ on st, <i>crush noisily with the teeth,i> berkerap-kerup [sso] mengunyah; (<i>on st big and hardi>) mengerkah: <i>they were ~ing sweets and peanuts,i> berkerap-kerup mereka mengunyah gula-gula dan kacang; <i>the dog is ~ing a bone,i> anjing itu sedang mengerkah tulang; 2. <i>crush noisily, approvi> + berderap-derap: <i>the heavy wheels ~ed the pebbly road,i> roda yg berat menggelek berderap-derap jalan yg berkerikil itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |