below | adv 1. at a lower place, position, di bawah: from the hilltop we could see the valley ~, dr puncak bukit, kami dapat melihat lembah di bawah; he fell to the rocks ~, dia jatuh ke batu-batu di bawah; from ~, dr bawah; 2. to a lower place, position, ke bawah: the captain has gone ~, kapten telah turun ke bawah; 3. on a lower floor, di bawah, di tingkat bawah: the tenants ~, penyewa di tingkat bawah; 4. to a lower floor, ke bawah, ke tingkat bawah: steps that lead ~, tangga yg menuju ke bawah; 5. (of floor, ground, etc) di bawah, [usu not translated]: the bottle rolled off the table and fell on the floor ~, botol itu tergolek dr atas meja dan jatuh ke lantai; 6. downstream, di (sebelah) hilir; 7. lower on the page or on following page, di bawah: please sign ~, sila turunkan tandatangan di bawah; 8. in lower rank, station, lebih rendah: the court ~, mahkamah yg lebih rendah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
below | prep 1. at a position, level lower than, di bawah; (anything reckoned in numbers) kurang drpd, di bawah: ~ the table, di bawah meja; ~ the timber-line, di bawah batasan pokok; ~ freezing point, di bawah takat beku; those ~ 40, mereka di bawah umur 40 tahun; he weighs ~ 60 kilograms, berat badannya kurang drpd 60 kilogram; 2. to a position, level lower than, ke bawah; (anything reckoned in numbers) /kurang, lebih rendah/ drpd: the sun sank ~ the horizon, matahari terbenam ke bawah ufuk; the ship disappeared ~ the waves, kapal itu menghilang ke bawah gelombang; prices will not fall ~ their present level, harga tdk akan turun kurang drpd paras sekarang; 3. lower in rank, station, etc, lebih rendah drpd: a captain ranks ~ a major, pangkat kapten lebih rendah drpd pangkat major; 4. further south than, di sebelah selatan; 5. downstream from, di sebelah hilir: fishing boats moored a mile ~ the town, perahu-perahu nelayan yg ditambat sebatu di sebelah hilir pekan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beneath | prep 1. underneath, di bawah: ~ the layer of snow, di bawah lapisan salji; 2. unworthy of, tdk layak bagi, tdk selayaknya dgn, tdk wajar bagi: such dishonest behaviour would be ~ him, kelakuan yg tdk jujur spt itu tdk layak baginya; 3. too lowly for, terlalu rendah bagi: he felt that the job was ~ him, dia berasa bahawa pekerjaan itu terlalu rendah baginya; 4. lower than in rank etc, di bawah, lebih rendah drpd: a captain is ~ a major, pangkat kapten di bawah pangkat mejar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downstairs | adv 1. to lower floor, ke (tingkat) bawah: go ~, turun ke bawah; 2. on lower floor, di bawah: he is waiting ~, dia menunggu di bawah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | ~ below, di bawah; (in the basement) di tingkat bawah tanah; (in the hold of a ship) di palka; ~ in the dumps, (colloq) murung: whenever I feel ~ in the dumps I’ll go for a walk on the beach, apabila saya berasa murung saya pergi berjalan-jalan di tepi pantai; ~ to, a. be left with, (hanya) tinggal: I’m ~ to my last $10, saya hanya tinggal $10; b. also right ~ to, up to and including all the rest in between, (se)hingga ke: all the school’s headmasters, from the founder ~ to the present incumbent, have laid great emphasis on sports, semua guru besar sekolah itu, drpd pengasasnya hinggalah ke penjawat kini, telah memberikan tekanan thdp sukan; she notices everything about a person right ~ to the brand of shoes he’s wearing, dia memerhatikan sso begitu menyeluruh sehingga ke jenama kasut yg dipakainya; ~ under, (colloq) in Australia or New Zealand, di /Australia, New Zealand/; D~ with, Hapuskan: D~ with all traitors!, Hapuskan semua pengkhianat!; (come, go) ~ with, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bottom | adj 1. at the lowest level, bawah sekali, paling bawah, terkebawah; (in comparisons of two) yg (di sebelah) bawah: the ~ rung, anak tangga yg paling bawah; the ~ shelf, rak yg di sebelah bawah; 2. with the lowest marks, corot: he was always ~ in geography, dia selalu corot dlm geografi; 3. (of price) paling rendah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cellar | n 1. (room) bilik (di) bawah tanah; 2. stock of wine, simpanan wain: he keeps an excellent ~, dia mempunyai simpanan wain yg amat baik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
banner | n 1. flag, panji-panji: they marched with ~s flying, mereka berarak dgn panji-panji berkibar; /join, follow/the ~ of, (fig.) menyertai perjuangan; under the ~ of, (fig.) di bawah /bendera, panji-panji/, atas nama: under the ~ of freedom, di bawah bendera kebebasan; 2. large cloth bearing slogan, sepanduk; 3. also banner headline, tajuk besar berita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | adv 1. (indic a low or lower than usual level) a. (gen), [no specif translation]: what’s going on ~ there?, apa yg berlaku di bawah sana?; he is ~ in the basement, dia berada di tingkat bawah tanah; ~ at the bottom of the lake, nun jauh di dasar tasik; the blinds are ~, bidai itu telah diturunkan; b. downstairs, sudah turun: it’s still very early, so no one is ~ yet, masih terlalu awal, jadi tdk ada sesiapa yg sudah turun; c. below the horizon, (telah) /jatuh, terbenam/: the sun is ~, matahari telah terbenam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
control | n 1. power, kuasa: the area is under the ~ of rebels, kawasan itu di bawah kuasa pemberontak; 2. means of regulating, restraining, kawalan: parental ~, kawalan ibu bapa; ~ of traffic, kawalan lalu lintas; ~ on imports, kawalan thdp import; good voice ~, kawalan suara yg baik; 3. self-restraint, mengawal diri; 4. (usu in pl) device by which a machine etc is operated, alat kawalan: the ~s are simple to operate, alat kawalan itu mudah dikendalikan; ~ panel, panel kawalan; ~ box, kotak kawalan; 5. standard of comparison used in experiment etc, kawalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |