Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | د سان

Definisi : tempat yg jauh (dr orang yg ber-cakap): mereka telah sampai ~ pukul tujuh pagi; ~ sini di merata-rata tempat; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
sana (kata tugas)
Bersinonim dengan situ, sanan, nun, jauh, sayup, saujana, senun;,
Kata Terbitan : di sana, ke sana, kesanakan,


Di sini gunung di sana gunung,
     Sama dengan Gunung Sebandi;
Di sini bingung di sana bingung,
     Sama dengan penerang hati.

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Di mana bumi (= tanah) dipijak,
     di sana (= di situ) langit dijunjung.

Bermaksud :

Hendaklah menurut adat dan aturan tempat yang kita diami.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

interspersevt (usu pass.) 1. scatter, set here and there, terdapat di sana sini: there were tiny white dots ~d in the pattern, terdapat bintik-bintik putih pd corak itu; rows of coconut palms ~d with cocoa trees, pokok koko terdapat di sana sini dlm deretan pohon kelapa; the report was ~d with references, terdapat beberapa banyak rujukan di sana sini dlm laporan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aboutadv 1. round, around, a. here and there, di sana-sini: there will be some thunderstorms ~ tonight, malam ini nanti akan berlaku ribut petir di sana sini; b. in various directions, ke sana sini, ke sana ke mari: the street was full of people running ~, looking for shelter, jalan itu penuh dgn orang yg berlarian ke sana sini mencari perlindungan; c. (implying aimlessness, idleness or diffuse action), [use reduplicated form of v]: I’ve been kept waiting ~ for too long!, sudah terlalu lama saya dibiarkan menunggu-nunggu saja!; 2. approximately, kira-kira, lebih kurang, sekitar: there were ~ fifty people present, ada kira-kira lima puluh orang yg hadir;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
here~ and now, di sini dan sekarang ini juga; ~ and there, di sana sini; ~, there and everywhere, merata-rata: her clothes were strewn about, ~ there and everywhere, pakaiannya bertaburan merata-rata; ~’s to, (ucap selamat) utk /sso, sst/: ~’s to the bride and bridegroom, ucap selamat utk pasangan pengantin; neither ~ nor there, tdk kena-mengena: he’s a rich man in his own right, the fact that his brother is the President is neither ~ nor there, dia kaya atas usahanya sendiri, bahawa abangnya itu Presiden, tdk kena-mengena dgn hal itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hear~ of, mendengar ttg: he might be a big name over there but we have not ~d of him, dia mungkin orang yg terkenal di sana tetapi kami tdk pernah mendengar tentangnya; not ~ of, tdk mahu mendengar langsung: the teacher won’t ~ of such an excuse, guru itu tdk mahu mendengar langsung alasan spt itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
around5. here and there, a. at, in various places, di sana sini, di merata-rata tempat: scattered ~, tersebar di merata-rata tempat; b. to various places, ke merata-rata tempat, ke sana sini: to travel ~, mengembara ke merata-rata tempat; 6. to so’s house, place of work, etc, ke /rumah, pejabat, dll/ sso, [or not translated]: he came ~ to inspect the leak in the roof, dia datang (ke rumah saya) utk memeriksa atap yg bocor; 7. (colloq) in existence, circulation or activity, [no specif translation]; (when length of time is indic) berkecimpung dlm bidang + approp n: you won’t find furniture of this quality ~ nowadays, kamu tdk akan dapat mencari perabot yg bermutu spt ini sekarang or perabot yg bermutu spt ini tdk lagi dijual sekarang; he must be one of the best actors ~, dia tentulah salah seorang pelakon yg terbaik di antara yg ada; a singer who has been ~ for a number of years now, penyanyi yg telah berkecimpung dlm bidang seni suara selama beberapa tahun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
culminatevi; ~ in, (reach the highest point or climax) memuncak dgn, mencapai puncaknya dgn; (end in), /berakhir, berkesudahan/ dgn: sporadic riots that ~d in civil war, rusuhan yg tercetus di sana sini yg memuncak dgn berlakunya perang saudara; all that hard work ~d in victory for the team, segala usaha yg gigih itu berakhir dgn kejayaan bagi pasukan tersebut;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aboutprep 1. round, around, a. encircling, (di) sekitar, (di) sekeliling: the hills ~ the town, bukit-bukit di sekitar bandar itu; b. near, dekat, berhampiran dgn, (di) sekeliling: the streets ~ the palace, jalan-jalan dekat istana itu; c. here and there in, di sana sini di: his papers were scattered ~ the room, kertas-kertasnya bertaburan di sana sini di bilik itu; 2. on (o’s person), connected with, pada: I didn’t happen to have his letter ~ me at the time, kebetulan suratnya tdk ada pada saya waktu itu; there’s something ~ that house that unnerves me, ada sesuatu pada rumah itu yg membuat saya gelisah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
barringprep 1. unless st happens, kecuali berlaku, /sekiranya, kalau/ tiada, /kalau tiada, sekiranya tiada/ aral (melintang): ~ rain..., kalau tiada hujan...; ~ accidents I’ll be there before noon, kecuali berlaku kemalangan, saya akan sampai di sana sebelum tengah hari; 2. excepting, kecuali: everybody knew ~ Zaleha, semua orang tahu kecuali Zaleha.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakwar broke out between the two countries, peperangan meletus antara kedua-dua negeri itu; several fires broke out in the forest, api kebakaran mencetus di sana sini di hutan itu; cholera broke out in the refugee camp, wabak taun mula merebak di khemah pelarian itu; c. ( of rash etc ) appear, keluar, timbul; ( of sweat ) keluar, terbit, timbul: a rash broke out all over his body, <./i> ruam keluar di merata-rata badannya; sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead, tiba-tiba terbit keringat di dahinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
impossibleadj 1. that cannot be done, be fulfilled, undertaken, exist, etc, (used with infin) mustahil, tdk mungkin; (attrib), /mustahil, tdk mungkin/+ approp v: it is ~ to get there in under an hour, tdk mungkin ita dapat sampai di sana dlm masa sejam; the plan would be ~ to execute, rancangan itu mustahil dapat dilaksanakan; conditions made it ~ for the match to proceed, keadaan menyebabkan perlawanan itu mustahil dapat diteruskan; an ~ task, tugas yg tdk mungkin dapat dilaksanakan; an ~ story, kisah yg tdk mungkin berlaku;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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