dies1 | ~ out, pupus: many species of animals have ~d out, banyak spesies binatang yg telah pupus; a custom that is dying out, adat yg semakin pupus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | ~ off, mati se + classifier demi se + classifier: the livestock are all dying off from disease, binatang ternakan itu mati seekor demi seekor krn penyakit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | ~ for, berkorban /krn, demi/: to ~ for o’s country, berkorban demi negara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | ~ down, a. (of fire, flame) mengecil; b. (of wind, storm, etc) mereda; c. (of sound), (menjadi) /sayup, lenyap/; d. (of anger, excitement, etc) berkurang, mereda; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | ~ back, mati sehingga ke pangkalnya: the daffodils ~d back after they had flowered, bunga dafodil itu mati sehingga ke pangkalnya selepas berbunga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | ~ away, a. (of sound) semakin /lenyap, sayup, hilang/; b. (of light), (become weaker) semakin /malap, pudar/; (become fainter) semakin /hilang, pudar/; c. (of wind) semakin /reda, luang/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | ~ hard, (of custom, belief, etc) sukar ditinggalkan: old habits ~ hard, sst yg menjadi kebiasaan sukar ditinggalkan; ~ in o’s bed, mati kumlah; ~ in /harness, o’s boots/, meninggal semasa masih bekerja: he refused to retire and later ~d in his boots, dia enggan bersara dan kemudiannya meninggal semasa masih bekerja; ~ in the last ditch, berjuang mati-matian; ~ laughing, (exaggeration) /ketawa, gelak/ setengah mati; /could have, nearly / ~d, (colloq) rasa macam nak mati: when he read out my letter in front of the class, I nearly ~d, apabila dia membaca surat saya di hadapan kelas, saya rasa macam nak mati; never say ~, jangan berputus asa; be dying of, sangat: I am dying of hunger, saya sangat lapar; be dying /for, to do/ st, teringin sangat hendak + approp v: he’s dying for a cigarette, dia teringin sangat hendak merokok; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dies1 | vi 1. (of person) a. (gen) mati: to ~ in battle, mati dlm peperangan; the criminal ~d in his cell,, penjenayah itu mati dlm bilik penjaranya; to ~ of old age, mati tua; b. ( polite) meninggal dunia; c. (coarse) mampus, kojol; d. (of royalty) mangkat; e. (of prophet) wafat; 2. (of animal, plant) mati; 3. (of non-material things) perish, be lost, luput, lenyap; (of love etc) padam, luput, lenyap; (of secret) terkubur: fame that will never ~, kemasyhuran yg tdk akan luput; her secret ~d with her, rahsianya terkubur bersamanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
martyr | n 1. one who dies or suffers for his religious beliefs, (orang yg) /mati, menderita/ demi agama; (in Islam) syahid; 2. one who suffers or dies for a cause, (orang yg) mengorbankan nyawanya: he died a ~ in the c | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
damn | n; not /care, give/ a ~, (colloq) tdk peduli /sedikit pun, langsung, sama sekali/: she doesn’t give a ~ whether he lives or dies, dia tdk peduli sedikit pun sama ada dia hidup atau mati; not worth a ~, (colloq) tak berguna langsung: the book isn’t worth a ~, buku itu tak berguna langsung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |