gratuitous | adj 1. (fml & derog) unwarranted, uncalled for, tdk sepatutnya + approp v: a ~ insult, kata-kata kesat yg tdk sepatutnya diluahkan; we must put a stop to this ~ acts of vandalism, kita mesti menghentikan perbuatan-perbuatan laku musnah yg tdk sepatutnya berlaku ini; 2. (rare) without payment or obligation, percuma: ~ advice, nasihat percuma. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dying | adj 1. ceasing to live, hampir mati: a ~ man, lelaki yg hampir mati; 2. disappearing, hampir /pupus, luput, lenyap/: a ~ civilisation, tamadun yg hampir luput; 3. rel to time before death, pd saat akhir hayat sso: his ~ words, kata-kata yg diluahkan pd saat akhir hayatnya; ~ wish, permintaan terakhir; 4. (of fire) hampir mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |