December | n Disember. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
undertake | 2. set about, start on, membuat perjalanan: they plan to ~ the journey in December, mereka merancang utk membuat perjalanan itu dlm bulan Disember; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
push | at a ~, (colloq) jika terdesak: at a ~ we can complete the project by December, jika terdesak kami dapat menyelesaikan projek itu pd bulan Disember; get the ~, a. be dismissed from o’s job, diberhentikan, dihentikan: he got the ~ two days ago, dia diberhentikan dua hari lepas; b. be dropped by so., [sso telah] memutuskan hubungan: she got the ~ from him and she’s very upset, dia marah betul krn lelaki itu telah memutuskan hubungan mereka; give a ~, a. menolak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
murky | adj 1. gloomy, kelam, suram: on a wet and ~ morning in December, pd satu pagi yg lembap dan suram dlm bulan Disember; 2. (of water) keruh: the ~ waters of the swamp, air paya yg keruh; 3. shady, d | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
movable feast | n (esp of religious festival), (hari) perayaan yg tarikhnya berubah-ubah: Christmas is celebrated on 25 December while Easter is a ~, Krismas dirayakan pd 25 hb Disember, manakala Easter ialah perayaan yg tarikhnya berubah-ubah | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bleak | adj 1. a. (of place) windswept and cheerless, tandus dan keanginan: a ~ plain, dataran yg tandus dan keanginan; b. (of weather) cold and cheerless, dingin dan suram: on a ~ December evening, pd suatu petang yg dingin dan suram dlm bulan Disember; 2. (of wind) cold and piercing, menusuk ke tulang: a ~ wind, angin yg menusuk ke tulang; 3. dreary, suram: a ~ future, masa depan yg suram. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
snowy | adj 1. with snow falling, (rel to place), /salji, salju/ turun dgn banyaknya; (rel to weather), /bersalji, bersalju/: a few days ago it was ~ in the northern part of the country, beberapa hari yg lalu, salji turun dgn banyaknya di kawasan utara negeri itu; he came home one ~ day in late December, dia pulang pd satu hari yg bersalji dlm bulan Disember; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
as | (preceding pron), [various translations]: ~ for selling my house, that’s out of the question, tentang menjual rumah saya, itu tak mungkin; ~ for me, I consider that a small matter, bagi saya, itu perkara kecil; ~ for you, I despise you!, kamu pula, saya benci akan kamu!; ~ /from, of/, bermula dr, mulai: ~ from 31 December..., bermula dr 31 Disember...; ~ /if, though/, seolah-olah, seakan-akan, seperti: his head felt ~ if it were being split in two, kepalanya terasa seakan-akan dibelah dua; ~ if..., /macamlah, takkan(lah), masakan/...: ~ if you didn’t know!, takkan kamu tak tahu!; ~ it is, a. already, sekarang ini pun: you can’t put any more books in, the box is too heavy ~ it is, tdk boleh lagi diisi buku, sekarang ini pun peti itu sudah terlalu berat; b. in its present state, dlm keadaan /begini, begitu/: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flood | ~ so. out, (usu pass.) a. make so. homeless by flooding, sso kehilangan rumah akibat banjir: many people were ~ed out last winter, ramai orang kehilangan rumah akibat banjir musim sejuk yg lalu; b. force so. to leave home because of flooding, sso terpaksa meninggalkan rumah: my parents were ~ed out for ten days in December, ibu bapa saya terpaksa meninggalkan rumah selama sepuluh hari bulan Disember lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
luck | just o’s ~, (colloq) entah apalah nasib sso: it’s just my ~ to fall sick on that day, entah apalah nasib saya, saya jatuh sakit pd hari itu; (what) /bad, rotten/ ~, (to show sympathy) kasihannya, malangnya: “The thief took away everything – even his clothes.” “What rotten ~”, “Pencuri telah mengambil segala-galanya – termasuklah pakaiannya.” “Kasihannya”; with (any) ~, (colloq) kalau nasib baik: with any ~, this project will be completed in December, kalau nasib baik, projek ini akan siap pd bulan Disember. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |