anything | ~ /between, from/, [not translated]: it will take ~ between five to ten days to complete, kerja itu akan mengambil masa antara lima hingga sepuluh hari utk disiapkan; ~ but, sama sekali tdk: the family is ~ but rich, keluarganya itu sama sekali tdk kaya; ~ of, [not translated]: have you seen ~ of him of late?, adakah kamu bertemu dgn dia akhir-akhir ini?; as + adj as ~, /benar-benar, sangat, sungguh/ + adj: I’m as hungry as ~, saya benar-benar lapar; like ~, [various translations]: it rained like ~, hujan turun selebat-lebatnya; we ran like ~, kami berlari sekuat hati; or ~, atau apa-apa pun: if he wants to talk to me or ~, I’ll be here, kalau dia hendak bercakap dgn saya atau apa-apa pun, saya ada di sini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
between | 4. (indic sharing) antara: to divide the sweets ~ the two children, membahagikan gula-gula antara dua orang kanak-kanak itu; the food was shared ~ them, makanan itu dikongsi antara mereka; 5. in combination, sesama: ~ them they were able to finish the job quickly, sesama mereka kerja itu dapat disiapkan segera; ~ them they collected fifty dollars, sesama mereka, mereka dapat mengumpulkan lima puluh dolar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | d. (ref to event) dalam: he was illed ~ the Second World War, dia terkorban dalam Perang Dunia edua; 6. (when ref to so’s age) dalam: the suspect is ~ her early thirties, orang yg disyaki dalam lingkungan umur awal tiga puluhan; 7. within the space or at the end of, dalam (masa): the work must be completed ~ five days, kerja itu mesti disiapkan dalam masa lima hari; I’ll be home ~ half an hour, saya akan balik dalam masa setengah jam lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
difficulty | n 1. quality of being not easy, kesukaran, kesusahan, kesulitan; (of problem, question) kesusahan, kesukaran, kerumitan; /have, find/ ~ in, mendapati /sukar, susah/ utk: he found ~ in communicating his ideas, dia mendapati sukar utk menyampaikan gagasannya; have no ~, dgn mudah: they had no ~ in locating the house, mereka dapat mencari rumah itu dgn mudah; with ~, dgn sukar; without /any, much/ ~, dgn /mudah, agak mudah/: the job was completed without any ~, kerja itu disiapkan dgn mudah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrange | vt 1. put into order, a. (gen) mengatur, menyusun: the chairs were ~d in rows, kerusi-kerusi itu diatur berbaris-baris; to ~ the books in the library, menyusun buku di perpustakaan; the pleats were so ~d that the flaw in the material was hidden, lisu-lisu itu disusun dgn sebegitu rupa sehingga cacat pd kain itu tdk ketara; to ~ a timetable, menyusun jadual waktu; b. (some responsibility etc that needs attention) mengurus: he ~d his business affairs before going abroad, dia mengurus urusan perniagaannya sebelum pergi ke luar negeri; c. (flowers) menggubah, menyusun; d. (hair) mendandan; e. (clothing, part of clothing) membetul-betulkan: she sat down, carefully arranging her skirt, dia duduk dan dgn cermat membetul-betulkan skirtnya; f. (place) menyiapkan: the hall has been ~d for the concert, dewan itu telah disiapkan utk pertunjukan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |