go | they went through a traditional marriage ceremony, mereka menjalani upacara perkahwinan tradisional; i. see ~ over st (sense c.); j. (of book) diterbitkan hingga: the dictionary went through seven editions, kamus itu telah diterbitkan hingga tujuh edisi; ~ through so’s hands, dikendalikan oleh sso: big sums of money ~ through a banker’s hands each day, wang yg banyak jumlahnya dikendalikan oleh pengurus bank setiap hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
format | n format: the newspaper appeared in a new ~, akhbar itu diterbitkan dlm format baru; we’ll have to find a different ~ for our debates, kita mesti mencari format lain utk debat-debat kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | g. become known, diketahui: at last, the whole truth came out, akhirnya, perkara yg sebenar diketahui; there was uproar when the news came out, berlaku kegemparan bila berita itu diketahui; h. be published, diterbitkan: the dictionary will ~ out this year, kamus itu akan diterbitkan tahun ini; i. appear in certain way (as in photograph) kelihatan, nampak: only the captain didn’t ~ out well in the photograph, hanya kapten saja yg kelihatan tdk hebat dlm gambar itu; j. (of photograph) jadi: none of the photographs I took came out, tdk satu pun gambar yg saya ambil jadi; k. be solved (of sum, problem, etc) menyelesaikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
essay | n 1. short literary composition, esei; (as part of school work) esei, karangan: a collection of his ~s was published last April, sekumpulan eseinya diterbitkan pd bulan April lalu; he has two ~s to write during the school holidays, dia mesti menulis dua esei semasa cuti sekolahnya; 2. (fml) attempt, percubaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | adv 1. a very short time ago, baru (saja): they have ~ left, mereka baru saja bertolak; the book has ~ been published, buku itu baru saja diterbitkan; I ~ told her the news, saya baru memberitahunya berita itu; 2. on the point of, hendak: I’m ~ coming down, saya hendak turun ni; we’re ~ leaving, kami hendak pulang ni; 3. at this very moment, sedang: he’s ~ coming up the steps, dia sedang menaiki tangga; 4. merely, hanya, cuma: “how many times did you see it?” “J~ twice”, “berapa kali kamu melihatnya?” “Cuma dua kali”; it’s ~ a little gift, ini hanya buah tangan yg tdk sepertinya; there will be ~ the two of us, cuma kita berdua saja di situ; I ~ wanted to borrow the book, not steal it, saya hanya | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anonymously | adv 1. without giving name, tanpa menyatakan nama sso; 2. without known authorship, origin, source, etc, tanpa nama + approp n: the poem was published ~, sajak itu diterbitkan tanpa nama penyairnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
every | determiner 1. each single, setiap, tiap-tiap: he has read ~ book on the subject, dia telah membaca setiap buku mengenai subjek itu; the paper is published ~ day, surat khabar itu diterbitkan setiap hari; ~ time I see you you’re in some kind of trouble, setiap kali saya berjumpa dgn kamu, kamu dlm kesulitan; ~ student in the class passed, setiap pelajar dlm kelas itu lulus; 2. all of, setiap: he spent ~ cent he had, dia telah membelanjakan setiap sen yg dia ada; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
available | adj ada, [more specif descriptions are preferred in Malay]: ~ resources, sumber-sumber yg ada; all ~ ambulances were rushed to the scene of the accident, semua ambulans yg ada dikejarkan ke tempat kemalangan itu; the book is not yet ~, buku itu belum diterbitkan lagi; ~ at all leading supermarkets, dijual di semua pasar raya utama; ~ in many colours, terdapat dlm berbagai-bagai warna; the doctor is ~ now, kamu boleh berjumpa dgn doktor sekarang; be ~ for, [various translations]: he was not ~ for comment, dia tdk dapat dihubungi utk memberikan ulasan; is he ~ for a discussion this afternoon?, adakah dia lapang utk menghadiri perbincangan pd petang ini?; maps and brochures are ~ for tourists at the reception-desk, peta dan brosur utk pelancong disediakan di meja penyambut tetamu; tickets for the show are ~ for two weeks, tiket utk pertunjukan itu akan dijual selama dua minggu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eliminate | vt 1. Cabinet change ~d two ministers, berikutan perubahan Kabinet itu dua orang menteri telah disingkirkan; b. (with concrete n as obj) membuang, mengeluarkan: if you ~ the footnotes, the book can be published, jika nota kaki dibuang, buku itu dapat diterbitkan; 2. eradicate, wipe out, membasmi, menghapuskan: a campaign to ~ illiteracy, kempen utk membasmi buta huruf; 3. discount, dismiss, menyisihkan, mengetepikan: we can ~ that possibility immediately, kita boleh menyisihkan kemungkinan itu sekarang ini juga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
get | she wanted to say something but she couldn’t ~ the words out, dia hendak mengatakan sst tetapi tdk dapat melafazkan kata-kata; b. publish st, menerbitkan sst: it is hoped that we can ~ the dictionary out by the end of the year, kami harap kamus ini akan dapat diterbitkan pd hujung tahun; c. bring st out from place in which it is stored or hidden, mengeluarkan sst: they got all the luggage out of the car, mereka mengeluarkan semua beg dr dlm kereta itu; please ~ the plates out as our guests will be arriving soon, tolong keluarkan pinggan krn tetamu kita akan tiba tdk lama lagi; he rushed to the bank to ~ some money out, dia bergegas ke bank utk mengeluarkan wang; d. move st out (of place) mengeluarkan sst, membawa sst keluar: ~ that cat out of my room!, bawa kucing itu keluar dr bilik saya!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |