Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : IB, bp puting getah (utk menyusui anak-anak kecil); didot disusui dgn dot. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata dot

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

dot matrix printern pencetak matriks bintik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dotn small round spot, titik; (appearing in large numbers on dress, leaf, etc) bintik: you have forgotten to put the ~ on the “j”, kamu terlupa membubuh titik pd huruf “j”; a ~ of red paint, setitik cat merah; she was wearing a red blouse with white ~s on it, dia memakai blaus merah yg berbintik putih; she watched until the ship became a mere ~ on the horizon, dia memperhatikan kapal itu sehingga menjadi satu titik di ufuk; on the ~, (colloq) tepat pd /masanya, waktunya/; (of specified time) tepat: we arrived on the ~, kita tiba tepat pd masanya; 8 o’clock on the ~, pukul 8 tepat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dotvt 1. place dot over, membubuh titik pd, menitik: to ~ the “i”s, membubuh titik pd huruf-huruf “i”; ~ /the, o’s/ i’s and cross /the, o’s/ t’s, approp v + dgn teliti: the boss is very fussy; you’ll have to learn to ~ your i’s and cross your t’s, bos itu sangat cerewet; kamu mesti bekerja dgn teliti; 2. mark with dots, membubuh titik pd: he ~ted the area affected by the floods, dia membubuh titik pd kawasan yg terlibat dgn banjir: 3. cover with st resembling dots, (usu pass.) bertaburan di: the night sky was ~ted with millions of stars, berjuta-juta bintang bertaburan di langit malam;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
immensityn 1. vastness, luasnya, luas (terbentang): the aeroplane became a dot in the ~ of the blue, kapal terbang itu menjadi satu titik di langit yg luas terbentang; 2. greatness of scope, /amat, sangat/ besar; (of concept etc), /amat, sangat/ luas: the ~ of the problem did not daunt them, masalah yg amat besar itu tdk menggentarkan mereka; due to the ~ of the task given him..., oleh sebab kerja yg diberikan kepadanya amat besar...; 3. st immense, [various translations]: the ~ we call space, kawasan luas yg disebut ruang angkasa; a speck in the blue ~, satu titik di langit yg luas terbentang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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