hoop | go through the ~(s), (colloq) menempuh dugaan: a man who has been through the ~s but manages to remain cheerful, orang yg telah banyak menempuh dugaan tetapi tetap riang; put so. through the ~(s), menduga [sso] dgn teruk: as a recruit I was put through the ~s by the officers, sbg rekrut, saya telah diduga dgn teruk oleh para pegawai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conjecture | n dugaan, terkaan, tekaan, tebakan: I was right in my ~, saya betul dlm terkaan saya; she didn’t know the facts, so what she said was pure ~, dia tdk tahu faktanya, jadi apa yg dikatakannya ialah terkaan semata-mata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beyond | 3. outside a. (the limit, range of) di luar: ~ o’s endurance, di luar kesabaran sso; to live ~ o’s means, hidup di luar kemampuan sso; ~ o’s jurisdiction, di luar bidang kuasa sso; ~ o’s expectations, di luar dugaan sso; b. (the possibility of) tdk dapat: ~ repair, tdk dapat dibaiki; ~ recovery, tdk dapat disembuhkan; ~ all doubt, tdk dapat diragui lagi; 4. surpassing, melebihi, mengatasi: ~ all praise, melebihi segala pujian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ beyond, a. walk, run, etc, further than, melewati, melampaui: do not ~ beyond the white line, jangan melampaui garisan putih itu; b. take action more than what is allowed, melewati, melampaui: the officer went beyond his powers by issuing those instructions, pegawai itu telah melewati kuasanya dgn mengeluarkan arahan-arahan itu; ~ beyond a joke, bukan lagi gurauan; ~ beyond /expectation, reason, etc/, di luar /jangkaan, dugaan/: the success of the experiment went beyond his dreams, kejayaan eksperimen itu adalah di luar jangkaannya; ~ beyond the call of duty, berkhidmat melampaui tugas-tugas biasa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | adj 1. the utmost, [various translations]: with ~ haste, (dgn) secepat mungkin or (dgn) secepat-cepatnya; with ~ (possible) care, dgn secermat-cermatnya or (dgn) secermat mungkin; in ~ earnestness I beg you to flee, dgn sesungguh-sungguhnya saya memohon agar tuan menyelamatkan diri; 2. (usu in negative contexts) any, whatever, segala, semua: he dislikes artificiality in ~ forms, dia tdk suka akan segala bentuk kepura-puraan; to deny ~ responsibility, menolak segala tanggungjawab; beyond ~ doubt, tdk dapat /diragu, disangsikan/ lagi; beyond ~ expectation(s) di luar segala /jangkaan, dugaan/; 3. (as intensifier), [not translated]: the greatest empire in ~ history, empayar yg terbesar dlm sejarah; the most evil regime in ~ the world, rejim yg paling jahat di dunia; adj & pron 1. the whole amount, number (of), every one (of) | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |