acre | n ekar; ~s and ~s of (st), (sst yg) berekar-ekar (luasnya). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acreage | n keluasan ekar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
develop | thousands of acres of land for housing, kerajaan telah memajukan beribu-ribu ekar tanah utk perumahan; 7. make available, usable, (the natural resources of) memanfaatkan: to ~ the natural resources of a region, memanfaatkan sumber semula jadi sesebuah kawasan; 8. contract, have, mendapat; (infectious or contagious disease) dijangkiti, mendapat; (fever) mula: to ~ an allergy, mendapat alergi; to ~ a rash, mendapat ruam; she ~ed a cold over the weekend, dia mendapat selesema pd hujung minggu itu; ~ a headache, sakit kepala; 9. acquire gradually, mula + approp v: he has ~ed a taste for sushi, dia mula menggemari susyi; she ~ed a gift for puppet-making during her sojourn in Thailand , dia mula menunjukkan kemahirannya dlm seni pembuatan boneka semasa dia tinggal di negeri Thai; 10. (photog) mencuci. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vine | n 1. grapevine, pokok anggur: acres planted with well-tended ~s, berekar-ekar tanah yg ditanami pokok anggur yg dijaga dgn baik; 2. any climbing plants, pokok (menjalar):~s covered the wall, pokok-pokok menjalar meliputi tembok itu; the pepper ~s looked very healthy, pokok lada itu kelihatan sangat subur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
subdivision | 2. (product) subbahagian: each acre of land was divided into five or six ~s, setiap ekar tanah dibahagi kpd lima atau enam subbahagian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spread | 4. large stretch of land, ladang: he has a 50-acre ~ in Columbia, dia mempunyai ladang seluas 50 ekar di Columbia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wheat | n 1. (plant), (pokok) gandum: he planted 15 acres of ~ last year, dia menanam gandum seluas 15 ekar tahun lepas; 2. (grain) gandum: flour is made from ~, tepung dibuat drpd gandum. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
timber | n 1. growing trees (as source of wood) pokok (kayu): a hundred acres of ~, seratus ekar pokok kayu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cultivable | adj 1. that can be tilled, /dapat, boleh/ /dikerjakan, diusahakan/: only a few acres are ~, hanya beberapa ekar sahaja yg dapat dikerjakan; 2. that can be planted, raised, /dapat, boleh/ ditanam: cereals that are ~ in hot climate, bijirin yg boleh ditanam di kawasan beriklim panas; 3. that can be developed, improved by education, training or study, dapat dipupuk; (of mind) dapat dibina; (of accent) dapat diperoleh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
levee | 3. flatten, destroy, meratakan; (due to natural disaster etc) meranapkan: several acres of jungle have already been ~led, beberapa ekar hutan telah pun diratakan; the cylone ~led the whole village, siklon meranapkan seluruh kampung itu; 4. knock down, menumbangkan: he ~led his opponent with one blow, dia menumbangkannya lawannya dgn satu pukulan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |