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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata ekspres;

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

beforethe train leaves ~ the express bus, kereta api bertolak lebih dahulu drpd bas ekspres; I came first but he was served ~ me, saya yg mula-mula datang tetapi dia pula yg diberi layanan lebih dahulu; 2. in front of, di /hadapan, depan/: ~ the house stood a tall coconut tree, di hadapan rumah itu ada sebatang pokok kelapa yg tinggi; he felt nervous singing ~ such a large audience, dia berasa gentar bernyanyi di hadapan penonton yg begitu ramai; ~ my very eyes, betul-betul di depan mata saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
expressn 1. fast service provided by post office, pos laju: she sent the letter by ~, dia menghantar surat itu dgn pos laju; 2. express train, bus, etc, /kereta api, bas, dll/ ekspres: the 9.30 ~ to Rome, kereta api ekspres pukul 9.30 ke Rom;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
expressadv 1. by express delivery, dgn pos laju; go ~, dihantar dgn pos laju: the letter went ~, surat itu dihantar dgn pos laju; 2. by express train, dgn kereta api /ekspres, laju/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fling3. throw (os) suddenly, mencampakkan; (onto a surface) mencampakkan, menghempaskan; (from a high place) terjun: she flung herself in front of the express train, dia mencampakkan dirinya di hadapan kereta api ekspres itu; he flung himself onto the bed, dia mencampakkan dirinya ke atas katil; the man found lying dead outside the pub had flung himself from the sixteenth floor, orang yg dijumpai mati di luar pub itu telah terjun dr tingkat enam belas; 4. throw (part of o’s body) quickly or violently, approp v + dgn /cepat, kuat/: she flung her arms round my neck, dia merangkul leher saya dgn cepat; the kids were dancing the latest dance, ~ing their arms about, budak-budak itu sedang menarikan tarian terbaru sambil menggapai-gapaikan tangan dgn kuat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ifconj 1. on condition that, jikalau, jika, kalau, sekiranya: ~ you are in doubt, ask, kalau ragu-ragu, bertanyalah; 2. in the event that, supposing that, andai kata, (se)andainya: ~ war were to break out, what would you do?, andai kata perang berlaku, apa yg akan kamu buat?; 3. whether (... or not) sama ada ... atau tdk: let us see ~ he can do it, kita lihat saja sama ada dia boleh membuatnya atau tdk; 4. also even ~, even though, alau...pun, walaupun, sungguhpun: ~ we did not raise the matter, somebody else would, walaupun kita tdk menimbulkan perkara itu, orang lain akan menimbulkannya; even ~ we catch the express, we will still be late, kalau kita naik kereta api ekspres pun, kita akan terlewat juga;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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