find | c. get, mencari: true friends are hard to ~, kawan sejati sukar dicari; we must ~ a suitable candidate, kita mesti mencari calon yg sesuai; ~ yourself a seat, carilah tempat duduk; d. search for until discovered, mencari [sso, sst] (sampai dapat): I don’t care how you do it, just ~ the girl, saya tdk peduli bagaimana kamu melakukannya, cari gadis itu sampai dapat; ~ the value of x, cari nilai x; help your brother ~ the cat, tolong abangmu mencari kucing itu; e. undertake to seek, (st for so.) mencari; (someone something) mencarikan: if you let me know when you’re coming, I’ll ~ accommodation for you, jika kamu memberitahu bila kamu akan datang, saya akan mencari penginapan utk kamu; my aunts spend most of their time trying to ~ me a wife, emak-emak saudara saya menghabiskan kebanyakan masa mereka mencuba mencarikan saya isteri; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foster-mother | n /ibu, emak/ angkat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
distaff | n kayu rahat; ~ side, sebelah /ibu, emak/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boy | ~s will be ~s, kalau lelaki, lelaki juga; a mother’s ~ (colloq) anak jantan emak; the ~s, a. (colloq) group of men, orang lelaki; b. (colloq) a man’s male friends, /kawan-kawan, teman-teman (lelaki)/ sso: he has gone out with the ~s, dia keluar dgn kawan-kawannya; c. also our ~s, (affectionately) soldiers, askar-askar kita: Hari Raya cakes for our ~s at the front, kuih-kuih Hari Raya utk askar-askar kita di sempadan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lap 1 | n area formed by the thighs of a seated person, riba, pangkuan: come and sit on mummy’s ~ dear, sayang, mari duduk di atas riba emak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consign | vt 1. commit, [various translations]: she ~ed her youngest child to the care of her aunt, dia mengamanahkan anak bongsunya utk dijaga oleh emak saudaranya; to ~ o’s soul to God, mengabdikan diri kpd Tuhan; to be ~ed to a watery grave, mati lemas; 2. deliver merchandise, mengkonsainkan: to ~ goods by rail, mengkonsainkan barang-barang dgn kereta api. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
full-time | adj penuh masa: a ~ student, penuntut penuh masa; a ~ job, (colloq) sama spt bekerja sepenuh masa: looking after my sick mother is a ~ job, menjaga emak saya yg sakit sama spt bekerja sepenuh masa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incurable | adj 1. tdk /dapat, boleh/ /diubati, disembuhkan/: an ~ disease, penyakit yg tdk dapat diubati; 2. (fig.) tdk dapat diperbaik: an ~ pessimist, pesimis yg tdk dapat diperbaik; my aunt is an ~ romantic, sifat romantis emak saudara saya tdk dapat diperbaik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
devil | a ~ of a, (colloq), [no specif translation]: we had a ~ of a time trying to convince her, teruk kami hendak meyakinkan dia; a ~ of a car, hebat betul kereta itu; between the ~ and the deep blue sea, dlm keadaan ditelan mati emak, diludahkan mati bapa; go to the ~, a. be damned, pergi jahanam; b. go away, berambus; like the ~, see HELL (like hell); lucky ~, bertuah betul; play the ~ with, see HELL (play hell with); poor ~, [no specif translation]: the poor ~ had lost all his money, kasihan dia, habis duit dia hilang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elope | vi 1. run away (with a lover) lari (bersama kekasih): the lovers ~d across the border, pasangan kekasih itu lari menyeberangi sempadan; 2. marry by elopement, kahwin lari: do you know your mother and I ~d?, tahukah kamu bahawa emak dan ayah kahwin lari?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |