tightly | 2. firmly, erat-erat, ketat-ketat: they held each other ~, mereka berpelukan erat-erat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
strain 1 | 6. clasp closely, hug, mendakap erat-erat: she ~ed the child to her breast, dia mendakap erat-erat anak itu ke dadanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wring | 3. shake (so’s hand) vigorously, menggenggam [sst] erat-erat: he wrung my hands in delight, dlm kegirangan dia menggenggam tangan saya erat-erat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tight | with a ~ grip, kuat-kuat, erat-erat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tight | adv 1. firmly and securely, kuat(-kuat), erat(-erat): she held the child ~ in her arms, dia mendakap budak itu kuat-kuat dlm pelukannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | vt 1. take hold of, grasp firmly, a. (with hand) menggenggam, memegang kuat, memegang /kuat-kuat, erat-erat/: she ~ped her friend’s hand warmly, dia menggenggam tangan kawannya itu dgn mesra; the policeman ~ped the thief by the collar, mata-mata tersebut memegang kuat kolar baju pencuri itu; he ~ped the rope with both hands, dia memegang kuat tali itu dgn kedua-dua belah tangannya; b. (with or as if with claws) mencengkam: the tiger ~ped the carcass, harimau itu mencengkam bangkai tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grasp | vt 1. a. hold firmly, memegang (dgn kuat); (with closed fist) menggenggam: she ~ed me firmly by the shoulder and swung me around, dia memegang bahu saya erat-erat dan memusingkan saya supaya menghadapnya; the child ~ed the edge of the swimming pool, budak itu memegang tebing kolam renang dgn kuat; he ~ed both my hands warmly, dia menggenggam kedua-dua tangan saya dgn mesra; b. seize firmly, mencengkam: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grasp | n 1. a. firm hold, pegangan (yg kuat); (with closed fist) genggaman, menggenggam: he tightened his ~ on my hand, dia mengejapkan pegangannya pd lengan saya; make sure you have a firm ~ of the racket, pastikan kamu menggenggam erat-erat gagang raket itu; b. tight grip (as if with nails or claws) cengkaman: she broke free from my ~, dia melepaskan diri drpd cengkaman saya; 2. control, mastery, cengkaman: the country fell into the ~ of a tyrant, negara itu jatuh ke dlm cengkaman pemerintah yg zalim; 3. comprehension, understanding, pemahaman: this subject is beyond my ~, perkara ini di luar pemahaman saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firm1 | 3. compact, padat: the soil around the base of the tree should be ~, tanah di keliling pangkal pokok itu seharusnya padat; 4. strong, forceful, erat: I kept a ~ hold of my daughter’s hand as we crossed the busy street, saya memegang tangan anak saya erat-erat semasa kami melintasi jalan yg sibuk itu; she felt safe in his ~ embrace, dia berasa selamat dlm pelukannya yg erat; 5. not changing, definite, (of decision, offer) muktamad, tegas; (of appointment etc) muktamad, tetap; (of opinion, belief, etc) tegas, kukuh, teguh; (of news, data, etc) kukuh: we received a polite but ~ refusal, kami menerima penolakan yg sopan tetapi tegas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
vicelike | adj teguh dan erat: a ~ grip, genggaman yg teguh dan erat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |