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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[és] | ايس

Definisi : (és) Id ais, air batu; ~ lilin (loli) ais krim batang; dies dimasukkan (disejukkan) dlm ais. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

ash2lay in ~es, /hangus, musnah/ dijilat api; rake over the /~es, coals/, (colloq) /mengungkit, membangkit-bangkitkan/ hal lama; rise from the ~es, (fig.) bangun semula.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bunchwear o’s hair in ~es, mengikat dua rambutnya: the little girl wore her hair in ~es, budak itu mengikat dua rambutnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blotchn 1. irregular spot, mark, tompok: there were red ~es on her skin, terdapat tompok-tompok merah pd kulitnya; ~es of ink on the wall, tompok-tompok dakwat pd dinding; 2. discoloured patch on skin, belak, capuk; /full of, covered with/ ~es, berbelak-belak, bercapuk-capuk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
go7. be expressed, a. (of song) berbunyi: the song ~es like this, lagu itu berbunyi begini; b. (of story) mengikut, menurut: he was the black sheep of the family, so the story ~es, menurut cerita dia kambing hitam dlm keluarganya; 8. lead in the direction of, menuju, menghala: this road ~es to the town centre, jalan ini menuju ke pusat bandar; 9. disappear, hilang; (of hope) lenyap: my headache has ~ne, sakit kepala saya sudah hilang; 10. be used up, habis: our food reserves are ~ne, bekalan makanan kita sudah habis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
archedadj 1. consisting of, formed into arch (es), lengkung; (of window) gerbang, lengkung: an ~ doorway, pintu lengkung; an ~ ceiling, siling lengkung; 2. furnished with arch(es), bergerbang: an ~ cloister, serambi gereja yg bergerbang; 3. curved, a. (of nose) bengkok; b. (of eyebrows) melengkung; (purposely) terangkat; c. (of body, back, foot, instep) melengkung.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
arch2adj 1. consisting of, formed into arch (es), lengkung; (of window) gerbang, lengkung: an ~ doorway, pintu lengkung; an ~ ceiling, siling lengkung; 2. furnished with arch(es), bergerbang: an ~ cloister, serambi gereja yg bergerbang; 3. curved, a. (of nose) bengkok; b. (of eyebrows) melengkung; (purposely) terangkat; c. (of body, back, foot, instep) melengkung.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
express~ os, a. explain o’s thoughts, feeling clearly, /menyatakan, melahirkan/ + approp n: she ~es herself very well, dia dapat menyatakan pendapatnya dgn baik; b. show o’s thoughts or feelings (through music, painting, etc) melahirkan: in his music he ~es his restlessness, dlm muziknya dia melahirkan rasa gelisahnya; ~ itself, jelas kelihatan: their discontent ~es itself in their writings, rasa tdk puas hati jelas kelihatan dlm tulisan mereka.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
coachvt 1. give special instruction to, memberi bimbingan khusus kpd: he ~es students in French, dia memberi bimbingan khusus kpd murid-murid yg mempelajari bahasa Perancis; 2. train, melatih: he ~es the football team, dia melatih pasukan bola sepak;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
goshe went without sleep for two days to complete her thesis, dia tdk tidur selama dua hari utk menyiapkan tesisnya; it ~es without saying, sudah tentulah: if your husband gets the job, it ~es without saying that he will be doing a lot of travelling, jika suami kamu mendapat jawatan itu, sudah tentulah dia akan banyak berjalan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
approach4. (often in pl) overture, percubaan utk /mendekati, merapati/ + approp pron: France rejected Germany’s ~es, Perancis menolak percubaan Jerman utk mendekatinya; /easy, difficult/ of ~, /mudah, susah/ /didekati, dirapati/: a man who, in spite of his rank, has always been easy of ~, walaupun berpangkat dia mudah didekati; make ~es to, mencuba /mendekati, merapati/: he made ~es to the girl, dia mencuba mendekati gadis itu; 5. means, method of doing st, pendekatan; (job, work etc) cara mengendalikan: a fresh ~ to the subject, pendekatan yg baru bagi perkara itu; the book provides an excellent ~ to the problem, buku itu memberikan pendekatan yg amat baik kpd masalah itu; his ~ to the job is all wrong, cara dia mengendalikan kerja itu semuanya salah; 6. also approach path, (aeron) lintasan tuju;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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