Dean of Faculty | n Dekan Fakulti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faculty | n 1. ability, skill, kebolehan; (inherent, natural) sifat bawaan: an extraordinary ~ for learning languages, kebolehan yg luar biasa mempelajari bahasa; the child has a ~ for making friends easily, kanak-kanak itu mempunyai sifat bawaan berkawan dgn mudah; 2. power, a. (rel to the mind) daya: ~ of perception, daya persepsi; mental ~, /fakulti, kebolehan/ mental; b. (rel to the body) kemampuan, kebolehan: the ~ of hearing, kemampuan mendengar; the ~ of speech, kebolehan bercakap; 3. (of university etc) fakulti: the Law F~, Fakulti Undang-Undang; a ~ meeting,mesyuarat fakulti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intellectual | adj 1. a. of the intellect as opposed to the emotions, intelektual, daya fikir: ~ faculties, fakulti intelektual, ~ powers, kuasa daya fikir; b. needing, appealing to, using the intellect, intelektual, approp v + daya fikir: he is interested in more ~ pursuits, dia berminat dlm aktiviti-aktiviti yg merangsang daya fikir; the discussion was too ~ for him; he was really out his depth, baginya perbincangan itu memerlukan daya fikir yg terlalu tinggi or terlalu intelektual; dia langsung tdk memahaminya; ~ topics, tajuk-tajuk yg intelektual, perbincangan intelektual; 2. having, exhibiting high intellect, intelektual: she could be described as an ~ poet, dia dapat dikatakan sbg penyair yg intelektual; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | ~ a smile, /menggagahi, memaksa/ diri utk senyum; ~ o’s way in, through, etc, merempuh + approp v: a group of students ~d their way into the faculty’s offices, sekumpulan penuntut merempuh masuk ke pejabat fakulti; the army unit ~d its way through the jungle, pasukan tentera itu merempuh melalui hutan rimba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intuitive | adj 1. having, possessing intuition, intuitif, mengikut gerak hati: ~ poet, pensyair yg mengikut gerak hati; women are said to be more ~ than men, kaum wanita dikatakan lebih intuitif drpd kaum lelaki; 2. of intuition, arrived at by intuition, (secara) intuitif, gerak hati: ~ faculty, fakulti intuitif; he had an ~ knowledge of her motives, dia tahu secara intuitif akan motif wanita itu or drpd gerak hatinya dia tahu akan motif wanita itu; her ~ understanding of nature, dia faham secara intuitif akan alam semula jadi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | 11. being included as part of, can be found in, dalam: there are sixty seconds ~ a minute, ada enam puluh saat dalam satu minit; the Prime Minister mentioned it ~ his speech, Perdana Menteri menyentuh perkara itu dalam ucapannya; the third word ~ the sentence, perkataan ketiga dalam ayat itu; he read it ~ the papers, dia membacanya dalam surat habar; 12. (ref to so., st that is part of a group of persons or things) dalam: they stood ~ the queue for over an hour, mereka berdiri dalam barisan lebih drpd satu jam; there are three linguists ~ this faculty, ada tiga orang ahli bahasa dalam fakulti ini; the position of the artist ~ society, kedudukan seniman dalam masyarakat; the best ~ its class, yg paling baik dalam kelasnya; ants live ~ colonies, semut hidup dalam koloni; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |