foul | vi 1. also ~ up, become entangled, terbelit: the anchor chain ~ed on the reef, tali sauh itu terbelit pd terumbu; 2. (sport) membuat faul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foul | vt 1. also ~ up, make filthy, mengotori; (air) mencemari, mengotori: birds had ~ed the statue, burung-burung telah mengotori patung itu; exhaust fumes and industrial waste ~ed the air in our cities, asap ekzos dan bahan buangan industri mencemari udara di bandar kita; 2. tangle with, terbelit pd: the rope ~ed the anchor chain, tali itu terbelit pd rantai sauh; 3. (sport) melakukan faul thdp [sso]; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |