date1 | n 1. specified day of month, hari bulan, tarikh, tanggal: today’s ~ is the 16th of February, hari ini 16 hari bulan Februari or hari ini tanggal 16 Februari; 2. specific day, year of event, tarikh: the ~ of the Portuguese attack on Malacca, tarikh Feringgi menyerang Melaka; the ~ for the elections has been fixed, tarikh pilihan raya itu telah ditetapkan; ~ of birth, tarikh lahir; 3. statement or inscription in, on letter, book, coin, etc, tarikh, hari bulan, tanggal, [usu tarikh]: to insert a ~, membubuh tarikh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
February | n Februari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
retroactive | adj (fml) diundurkan tarikh: increase in salary ~ to February 1988, kenaikan gaji yg diundurkan tarikh ke bulan Februari 1988. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tail | c. (of rainy season) semakin berkurang; (of a spell of rain) semakin reda: normally the rains ~ off in February, biasanya hujan semakin berkurang dlm bulan Februari; the rain began to ~ off by midday, hujan semakin reda | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
month | n bulan: she is on a two ~ vacation, dia sedang bercuti selama dua bulan; in a leap year the ~ of February has 29 days, dlm tahun lompat, bulan Februari ada 29 hari; her little boy is eight ~s old, bayi lelakinya berusia lapan | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |