folder | n holder for loose papers, (made of paper, cardboard) fail; (made of stiff plastic) folder. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
file1 | n 1. folder etc for keeping documents, fail; 2. documents etc thus kept, fail; /have, keep, etc/ a ~ on, /ada, menyimpan/ fail ttg: the security service had a ~ on him, perkhidmatan keselamatan ada fail ttg dia; on ~, dlm fail: we have the correspondence on ~, surat itu ada dlm fail kami; 3. (in computers) fail: back-up ~s, fail-fail sokongan; 4. line, row, deret(an), baris(an): a ~ of schoolchildren, sederetan murid sekolah; a ~ of ants, sederetan semut; walk in /single, Indian /~, berjalan berderet satu per satu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
loose | 5. not fastened together, not in separate packaging, [various translations]: his notes consisted of ~ pages in a folder, notanya terdiri drpd kertas yg tercerai-cerai dlm pelipat; you can buy biscuits already packaged or ~, kita boleh membeli biskut yg sudah dibungkus atau yg belum ditimbang; she prefers to wear her hair ~ rather than in a pony-tail, dia suka rambutnya terurai drpd diikat; she found a few ~ coins at the bottom of her handbag, dia menjumpai beberapa keping duit syiling di bahagian bawah tas tangannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |