full-face | adj & adv muka penuh: a ~ photograph, gambar foto muka penuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | b. (indic subject, activity) dalam: an interest ~ photography, minat dalam bidang seni foto; recent advances ~ machine translation, kemajuan terbaru dalam lapangan terjemahan berkomputer; a degree ~ political science, ijazah dalam bidang sains politik; 20. (indic medium of communication) dalam: the letter is written ~ Tagalog, surat itu ditulis dalam bahasa Tagalog; he spoke to me ~ Javane, dia bercakap dgn saya dalam bahasa Jawa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow-up | n 1. explosion, letupan; 2. (photog) gambar foto dibesarkan; 3. (colloq) a fit of temper or argument, bergaduh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enlarge | vi grow larger, menjadi besar, membesar; (of photograph) menjadi besar: the tree trunk will ~ as it gets older, batang pokok itu akan membesar apabila semakin tua; this photograph should ~ well, gambar foto ini seharusnya menjadi besar dgn baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
full | adj 1. containing as much as possible, penuh: a ~ tank, tangki yg penuh; don’t speak with your mouth ~, jangan bercakap apabila mulut kamu penuh; the room was ~ of furniture, bilik itu penuh (dgn) perabot; a box ~ of old photographs, kotak yg penuh (dgn) gambar foto lama; ~ to the brim, penuh sampai ke bibir; ~ to overflowing, penuh melimpah; 2. containing in abundance, penuh: the lake is ~ of fish, tasik itu penuh dgn ikan; the child is ~ of energy, kanak-kanak itu penuh bertenaga; his pockets are always ~ of money, sakunya sentiasa penuh dgn wang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flatter | 3. make (so.) look better, membuat [sso] kelihatan lebih + approp adj; (of photograph, picture), [sso] kelihatan lebih + approp adj dlm: that dress really ~s you, baju itu betul-betul membuat kamu kelihatan lebih cantik; I feel the photograph doesn’t ~ him at all, saya rasa dia sama sekali tdk kelihatan kacak dlm gambar foto itu; ~ os (that), perasan: I ~ myself that men usually find me attractive, saya perasan bahawa lelaki biasanya mendapati saya menarik; “I know I’ll get their support.” “Don’t ~ yourself!”, “Saya tahu mereka akan menyokong saya.” “Jangan perasanlah!”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enlarge | vt 1. make larger, membesarkan, memperbesar; (expand) meluaskan, memperluas: they want to ~ their house, mereka mahu membesarkan rumah mereka; an offer such as that would enable us to ~ our scope of activity, tawaran sedemikian akan membolehkan kita memperluas skop kegiatan kita; 2. (photog) reproduce on larger scale, membesarkan: to ~ a photograph, membesarkan gambar foto; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contrast | n 1. comparison, kontras, perbandingan: he used ~ to show the differences in style, dia menggunakan kontras utk menunjukkan perbezaan gaya; 2. difference, perbezaan: the ~ between them is remarkable, perbezaan antara mereka menarik sekali; 3. (fine art & photog) kontras: the ~ of light and shade is important in photography, kontras antara cahaya terang dan gelap penting dlm seni foto; colour ~, kontras warna; ~ filter, penapis kontras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
before | when I arrived on Monday, I was told that Yunus had left two weeks ~, apabila saya tiba pd hari Isnin, saya diberitahu bahawa Yunus sudah berangkat dua minggu sebelum itu; the day ~, hari sebelum (itu); 4. already, on some previous occasion, dahulu, sebelum ini: have you seen this photograph ~?, pernahkah tuan melihat gambar foto ini dahulu?; I’ve never been here ~, saya belum pernah ke sini sebelum ini; I’ve seen natural disasters ~, but none as terrible as this one, saya pernah menyaksikan bencana alam dahulu, tetapi belum pernah sedahsyat ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
along | adv 1. usu ~ with, accompanying, bersama(-sama); (fml) berserta; (infml) ikut: don’t forget to bring your passport ~ (with you), jangan lupa membawa pasportmu bersama; ~ with my application I enclose a recent passport photo of myself, berserta dgn permohonan ini saya lampirkan sekeping foto pasport saya yg terbaru; can my sister come ~ too?, bolehkah adik saya ikut?; sing ~, ikut bernyanyi; 2. (indic progressive motion), [use approp v + reduplication]: he walked ~, deep in thought, dia berjalan-jalan sambil termenung-menung; the ball rolled ~ for a few more metres, bola itu berguling-guling beberapa meter lagi; 3. (with numerical expression) further in a given direction, selang: three doors ~ (from here), selang tiga pintu (dr sini); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |