gas | vt (kill with poisonous gas) membunuh dgn gas; (poison with poisonous gas) meracuni dgn gas: hundreds of thousands of Jews were ~sed in the war, beratus-ratus ribu orang Yahudi dibunuh dgn gas dlm perang itu; ~ os, membunuh diri dgn (menghidu) gas: she shut herself up in the room and tried to ~ herself, dia mengurung dirinya di dlm bilik itu dan mencuba membunuh diri dgn menghidu gas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gas | n 1. vaporous substance, gas: air is a mixture of ~es, udara ialah campuran gas; 2. poisonous gas used in war, gas racun; 3. (for lighting, heating, etc) gas: natural ~, gas asli; coal ~, gas arang batu; ~ cooker, dapur gas; 4. (anaesthetic) gas; 5. (colloq) boasting, empty talk, temberang: he is full of ~, dia banyak temberang; 6. (US), (colloq) minyak; step on the ~, (liter.) tekan minyak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fluid | adj 1. able to flow, bendalir: oxygen, like other gases is a ~ substance, oksigen, spt gas-gas lain, ialah bahan bendalir; 2. (liable to change) boleh berubah; (can be changed) dapat diubah: the political situation is ~, situasi politik boleh berubah; our plans are ~, rancangan-rancangan kami dapat diubah; 3. (of movement) smooth-flowing, gemalai, lemah longlai, lemah gemalai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gas oven | n 1. gas cooker, dapur gas; 2. see GAS CHAMBER. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gas lighter | n 1. device for igniting gas, pemetik gas; 2. cigarette lighter using gas as fuel, pemetik api. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
detect | vt 1. discover, perceive, mengesan: to ~ a note of anger in his voice, mengesan nada kemarahan pd suaranya; to ~ the presence of poisonous gases, mengesan adanya gas-gas beracun; the cause of the illness has been ~ed, punca penyakit itu telah dapat dikesan; 2. bring to light, reveal, menjumpai, mendapati: the burglars were ~ed in the act of breaking in, pencuri-pencuri itu dijumpai semasa sedang memecah masuk ke dlm rumah itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ionized, ionised | adj terion: ~ gas, gas terion; ~ state, keadaan terion. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
colourless | adj 1. without colour, tdk berwarna: pure water is ~, air tulen tdk berwarna; a ~ gas, gas yg tdk berwarna; 2. pallid, pucat: a ~ complexion, kulit muka yg pucat; 3. lacking in interest, tdk menarik; (of existence) membosankan: a ~ person, seorang yg tdk menarik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cooker | n 1. stove, dapur: gas ~, dapur gas; 2. pot, periuk: rice ~, periuk nasi; pressure ~, periuk tekanan; 3. (of apple), (epal) utk dimasak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | the gas is brought ashore by the pipeline from the Brent field, gas dibawa ke darat melalui talian paip dr medan gas Brent; ~ so. st, membawakan sso sst, membawa sst utk sso: please ~ me a glass of milk, tolong bawakan saya segelas susu; she always ~s us presents, dia selalu membawakan kami hadiah; I ~ you good news, saya membawa berita baik utk saudari; 2. move st so as to place it in a different position, meletakkan: he brought his arm to rest on her shoulders, dia meletakkan tangannya pd bahu wanita itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |