dress | n 1. clothes for a woman or girl, gaun: she was wearing a short, sleeveless ~, dia memakai gaun pendek tdk berlengan; 2. clothing generally or costume of stated kind, pakaian: ~ for the party was casual, pakaian utk ke majlis itu kasual; military ~, pakaian tentera; national ~, pakaian kebangsaan; evening ~, pakaian malam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gown | n 1. woman’s dress, gaun; 2. loose robe worn by academics, judges, etc, jubah: an academic ~, jubah akademik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evening dress | n 1. woman’s formal dress, gaun malam; 2. special clothes suitable for formal occasions, pakaian formal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frock | n 1. woman’s or girl’s dress, gaun, frok; 2. garment worn by priest, jubah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exquisite | adj 1. extremely beautiful, sangat /cantik, indah/; (of face) cantik bagai diraut, sangat cantik: she bought some ~ lace for her wedding dress, dia membeli kain renda yg sangat cantik utk gaun pengantinnya; the design on the silverware is ~, corak pd barang perak itu sangat cantik;2. showing a high degree of artistic skill, sangat halus buatannya; (of workmanship) sangat halus: an ~ piece of jewellery, barang kemas yg sangat halus buatannya; (fml) intense, acute, amat sangat: ~ pain, kesakitan yg amat sangat; ~ joy, kegembiraan yg amat sangat; 4. delicate, sensitive, sangat halus: he has ~ taste, dia mempunyai cita rasa yg sangat halus; 5. extremely fine, sangat halus: the ~ beauty of the vase, keindahan jambangan itu yg sangat halus; his father was a man with ~ manners, bapanya sangat halus sopan santunnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irreverent | adj 1. (of person) tdk hormat; (attrib) bersikap tdk hormat: it is generally considered ~ to enter a mosque wearing a dress, pd umumnya dianggap tdk hormat memasuki masjid dgn memakai baju gaun; I don’t think he meant to be ~, saya tdk fikir dia bermaksud bersikap tdk hormat; ~ young people who poke fun at many things, anak-anak muda yg bersikap tdk hormat dan mempersendakan banyak perkara; 2. showing, characterized by lack of respect for important people, institution, menunjukkan sikap tdk /hormat thdp, menghormati/; (of attitude) tdk /hormat thdp, menghormati/: he made a number of ~ comments about the prince, dia membuat beberapa komen yg menunjukkan sikap tdk hormat kpd putera itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
classic | adj klasik: a ~ example of medieval architecture, contoh klasik seni bina Zaman Pertengahan; a ~ case of forgery, kes pemalsuan yg klasik; ~ works of art, karya seni yg klasik; the film is a ~ historical epic, filem itu ialah epik sejarah yg klasik; a ~ evening dress, gaun malam yg klasik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foil2 | n 1. very thin beaten or rolled metal sheet, kerajang: silver ~, kerajang perak; aluminium ~, kerajang aluminium; 2. paper covered with this, kertas timah; (if metal is specified) kertas: cigarettes wrapped in ~, rokok yg dibungkus dgn kertas timah; gold ~, kertas emas; 3. metal sheet used as backing for mirror, kerajang; 4. so., st that contrasts with and hence sets off another, (sst yg) menyerlahkan; (theat) watak lawan: her black evening gown was a good ~ for her pale complexion, gaun malamnya yg hitam menyerlahkan kulitnya yg putih; the ugly stepsisters are a ~ to the beautiful Cinderella, kakak-kakak tiri yg hodoh itu merupakan watak lawan bagi Cinderella yg jelita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dramatic | adj 1. connected with drama or the theatre, drama: a ~ society, persatuan drama; the ~ works of the 50’s, karya-karya drama tahun 50-an; 2. exciting, sudden, impressive, (secara) dramatik: there has been a ~ change in the political situation, terdapat perubahan yg dramatik dlm situasi politik; contrary to expectations, the patient made a ~ recovery, bertentangan dgn apa yg dijangka, pesakit itu pulih secara dramatik; 3. theatrical, (secara, dgn) dramatik; (of person) suka berdrama, dramatik: she made her ~ entrance in a stunning silk designer gown, dia masuk secara dramatik dgn memakai gaun sutera pereka fesyen yg mengagumkan; he paused, then threw up his hands in a ~ gesture, dia berhenti sejenak, kemudian mengangkat tangannya dgn gerak isyarat yg dramatik; is he always this ~?, adakah dia selalu suka berdrama begini?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | ~ one (to so.) sama saja (bagi sso); ~ out, (ber)mati-matian, (ber)habis-habisan: our team must go ~ out to win, pasukan kita harus berusaha bermati-matian utk menang; [see also ALL-OUT adj]; ~ over, a. (of place) i. everywhere, merata-rata, di merata(-rata) tempat, di serata tempat; (on, in every part of body etc) seluruh, serata: I’ve looked ~ over for you, saya sudah mencari kamu merata-rata; her body was bruised ~ over, seluruh badannya lebam-lebam; the gown was covered ~ over with sequins, seluruh gaun itu dihiasi labuci; ii. everywhere in, di /seluruh, merata(-rata), serata/, di /merata(-rata), serata/ tempat di; (as intensifier), [various translations]: ~ over the world, di seluruh dunia; you’ve got mud ~ over our shoes, kasutmu berlumuran lumpur; there are ants ~ over the food, makanan itu dikerumuni semut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |