dogged | adj gigih, cekal: ~ persistence, ketekunan yg gigih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intense | d. (of effort etc) gigih: an undertaking which requires ~ effort, kerja yg memerlukan usaha yg gigih; 2. very strongly, deeply felt, amat sangat, amat, sangat; (of conviction) sangat mendalam: ~ hatred, kebencian yg amat sangat; ~ interest, sangat berminat; when I saw the ~ anxiety on his face I realised just how affected he was by the incident, apabila saya nampak rasa bimbang yg amat sangat pd wajahnya, barulah saya sedar betapa peristiwa itu meninggalkan kesan thdp dirinya; a man of ~ political convictions, lelaki yg mempunyai pendirian politik yg sangat mendalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard-headed | adj 1. practical, tough, gigih, keras hati: a ~ businessman, ahli perniagaan yg gigih; 2. (US) stubborn, keras kepala, degil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indefatigable | adj (fml) gigih, tdk kenal penat lelah; (of patience) tdk luntur: an ~ social worker, pekerja sosial yg tdk kenal penat lelah; he was ~ in his pursuit of the truth, dia gigih dlm usahanya mencari kebenaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
determined | adj 1. resolute, (pred) berazam, bertekad; (attrib) kuat /azamnya, tekadnya/: he was ~d to see his family, dia berazam utk berjumpa dgn keluarganya; a ~ woman who will not give up easily, wanita yg kuat azamnya dan tdk mudah mengaku kalah; 2. unflinching, gigih, cekal: his ~ efforts to achieve success deserve praise, usahanya yg gigih utk mencapai kejayaan patut dipuji. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
culminate | vi; ~ in, (reach the highest point or climax) memuncak dgn, mencapai puncaknya dgn; (end in), /berakhir, berkesudahan/ dgn: sporadic riots that ~d in civil war, rusuhan yg tercetus di sana sini yg memuncak dgn berlakunya perang saudara; all that hard work ~d in victory for the team, segala usaha yg gigih itu berakhir dgn kejayaan bagi pasukan tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
credit | n 1. (commerce & book-keeping) kredit: three months’ ~, kredit tiga bulan; to extend ~ to so., memberi sso kredit; ~ balance, baki kredit; ~ note, nota kredit; /buy, sell/ on ~, /beli, jual/ secara kredit; be in ~, ada wang: my bank account is in ~, ada wang dlm akaun bank saya; 2. ability to repay, kedudukan kredit: businessmen have to make sure their ~ is good, ahli perniagaan mestilah memastikan kedudukan kredit mereka baik; 3. (acknowledgment, respect) penghargaan; (praise) pujian: he was given no ~ for his invention, dia tdk diberi penghargaan atas ciptaannya; they gave her ~ for the hard work she had done, mereka memberinya pujian atas usaha gigih yg telah dilakukannya; 4. (grade) kepujian: he obtained ~s in mathematics and science, dia mendapat kepujian dlm matematik dan sains; 5. (US) unit of study, kredit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |