gravitational | adj graviti: ~ pull, tarikan graviti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gravity | n 1. (phys) graviti: centre of ~, pusat graviti; 2. quality of being solemn, keseriusan, seriusnya: from the ~ of his expression she realised that something was wrong, drpd keseriusan wajahnya dia tahu bahawa ada sst yg tdk kena; 3. quality of needing urgent attention, seriousness, seriusnya, keseriusan, serius; (of news) merunsingkan; (of offence, charge, accusation, etc) seriusnya, beratnya; (rel to illness or a sick person’s condition), (keadaan yg) /serius, teruk/; (of responsibility) beratnya: the ~ of the economic situation cannot be disregarded, keadaan ekonomi yg serius itu tdk boleh dipandang ringan; news of considerable ~, berita yg agak merunsingkan; I don’t think you realize the ~ of the accusations, saya tdk fikir kamu sedar betapa beratnya tuduhan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gravitational field | n medan graviti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
centre of gravity | n pusat graviti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deflecting | adj pemesong: gravity must act as a ~ force, graviti seharusnya bertindak sbg kuasa pemesong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gravitate | vi 1. be drawn by natural force, ditarik oleh daya graviti; 2. move in particular direction, bertumpu: people are gravitating towards the cities in increasing numbers, bertambah ramai orang yg bertumpu ke bandar raya; the soldiers ~d to the bar, askar-askar itu bertumpu ke bar; 3. sink, settle, mendap: the sediment has ~d to the bottom of the dam, endapan itu telah mendap ke dasar empangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attraction | n 1. action, power of attracting, tarikan: magnetic ~, tarikan magnet; the ~ of gravity, tarikan graviti; the old house held a powerful ~ for him, rumah lama itu mempunyai tarikan yg kuat baginya; he cannot resist the ~ of a pretty girl, dia tdk dapat melawan tarikan gadis yg cantik; 2. (usu in pl) personal charm, daya /penarik, tarikan/: her ~s were numerous, daya penariknya berbagai-bagai; 3. st that attracts, tarikan, (approp n +) menarik: the ~s of a big city, tarikan bandar raya besar; perhaps her greatest ~ was her lovely smile, barangkali yg paling menarik ttg dirinya ialah senyumannya yg manis; 4. so. that attracts, arikan: the newly crowned Miss Universe was the main ~ at the ball, Ratu Dunia yg baru dimahkotai merupakan tarikan utama di majlis tari-menari itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accelerate | vt 1. increase the speed of, memecutkan, melajukan; 2. increase the velocity of, mempercepat, melajukan, memecutkan: the pull of gravity ~s the falling of a body, tarikan graviti mempercepat jatuhnya jisim; 3. expedite, hasten, mempercepat, mencepatkan, memesatkan: hormones that ~ plant growth, hormon yg mempercepat pertumbuhan tanaman; to ~ the passage of a bill, mempercepat kelulusan rang undang-undang; events which ~d the fall of the socialist government, peristiwa-peristiwa yg mempercepat kejatuhan kerajaan sosialis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
force | 3. so., st that exerts influence, kuasa: religion is a powerful ~ in shaping society, agama ialah kuasa yg kuat dlm membentuk masyarakat; ~s of nature, kuasa-kuasa alam; 4. (phys) daya: ~ of gravity, daya graviti; magnetic ~, daya magnet; 5. (mil, police) pasukan: police ~, pasukan polis; 6. legal power of binding, kuatkuasa: the ~ of an agreement, kuatkuasa perjanjian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
field | 6. all competitors in a race, para peserta; 7. battlefield, medan /perang, pertempuran/: to die on the ~ of battle, gugur di medan perang; 8. area of practical activity or application, lapangan: geologists working in the ~, ahli-ahli geologi yg bekerja di lapangan; ~ research, kajian lapangan; 9. area of observation, medan: the soldier’s ~ of vision was limited by the clump of trees, medan pemandangan askar itu terbatas oleh kelompok pokok tersebut; 10. (phys) medan: magnetic ~, medan magnet; the earth’s gravitational ~, medan graviti bumi; 11. sphere of knowledge, interest, etc, bidang, lapangan: his ~ is nuclear physics, bidangnya ialah ilmu fizik nuklear; an interesting ~ of study, bidang kajian yg menarik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |