irreclaimable | adj tdk boleh dipulih guna: ~ land, tanah yg tdk boleh dipulih guna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disposable | adj 1. that can be disposed of after use, pakai buang: ~ nappy, napkin pakai buang; 2. vailable for use, boleh guna: ~ assets, aset boleh guna; ~ income, pendapatan boleh guna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
all-purpose | adj serba guna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dual-purpose | adj dwiguna, dua guna: a ~ vehicle, kenderaan dwiguna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dice | no ~, (US), (sl) a. no use, tak guna; b. (indic refusal) tak boleh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
employment | n 1. giving work to, usu for payment, penggajian, pengambilan [sso] utk bekerja, guna tenaga: the ~ of children in factories is forbidden, pengambilan kanak-kanak utk bekerja di kilang adalah dilarang; 2. occupation, pekerjaan: to give ~ to so., memberikan pekerjaan kpd sso;be in ~, bekerja; be out of ~, tdk bekerja; 3. making use of, penggunaan: the ~ of modern irrigation methods has increased production, penggunaan kaedah-kaedah pengairan moden telah menambah pengeluaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drag | ~ up, (colloq) rake up, mengungkit: it’s no use ~ging up old quarrels, tak guna mengungkit perkelahian yg telah lalu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inevitable | n; the ~, approp n + yg pasti berlaku: there is no point fighting against the ~, tdk guna melawan perkara yg pasti berlaku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grin | ~ and bear it, (colloq), /terima, tahan/ saja(lah): it’s no use complaining. You’ll just have to ~ and bear it, tak guna merungut. Tahan sajalah; ~ from ear to ear, tersenyum sampai ke telinga, tersenyum lebar, terseringai, tersengih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | n 1. hole, lubang; (narrow) celah: the calf disappeared through a ~ in the wall, anak lembu itu menghilang melalui lubang pd tembok; 2. broken part, area , (bahagian yg) /pecah, patah, putus, dll/: the ~ is near the ankle, bahagian yg patah itu dekat dgn buku lali; there were so many ~s in the film that it was not worth repairing it, banyak bahagian filem ini yg putus sehingga tdk guna membaikinya or filem ini putus pd begitu banyak tempat sehingga tdk guna membaikinya; the virus can get in through a ~ in the skin, virus tersebut dapat masuk melalui kulit yg jejas; 3. stoppage, berhenti, terhenti: during a ~ in the conversation, a child’s voice was heard, sewaktu perbualan itu terhenti, kedengaran suara kanak-kanak; they waited on the verandah, hoping for a ~ in the rain, mereka menunggu di beranda, mengharapkan hujan akan berhenti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |