corrective | n [various translations]: a ~ of abuses, langkah utk membetulkan amalan yg salah; teachers who use the cane as a ~, guru-guru yg menggunakan rotan utk mengajar; some fruits act as a ~, setengah-setengah jenis buah-buahan bertindak sbg pengimbang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
familiarize, familiarise | vt 1. accustom, membiasakan: he ~d himself with the job, dia membiasakan dirinya dgn tugas itu; to ~ teachers with the new curriculum, membiasakan guru-guru dgn kurikulum baru itu; 2. make well-known, menyebarluaskan: to ~ the new terminologies through the media, menyebarluaskan istilah-istilah baru menerusi media massa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guru | n 1. Indian religious teacher, guru; 2. (colloq) one respected and regarded as authority by person or group of persons, mahaguru: he was, for a long time, the president’s economic policy ~, dia, buat masa yg agak lama, menjadi mahaguru presiden ttg dasar ekonomi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
housemaster | n 1. (of boarding school) guru pengawas asrama; 2. (of division of school for sports) guru rumah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hands | crawl on o’s ~ and knees, merangkak; get o’s ~ on, a. obtain, mendapat: do you know where I can get my ~ on an original batik painting?, anda tahu di mana saya boleh mendapat lukisan batik yg tulen?; b. get near enough to seize, hit, etc, menangkap: if I get my ~ on the thief, I’ll strangle him, jika saya dapat menangkap pencuri itu saya akan cekik dia; be good with o’s ~, pandai membuat kerja tangan; have o’s ~ full, be very busy, sangat sibuk: at the end of term teachers will have their ~ full with the correction of papers, writing of reports and the like, pd hujung penggal, guru-guru sangat sibuk menyemak kertas peperiksaan, menulis laporan dan sebagainya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
junior | adj 1. younger, (lebih) muda; 2. for young people, utk remaja: ~ dress sizes, saiz baju utk remaja; 3. subordinate to another in point of time of service, baru; (when making comparison) lebih baru: a ~ senator, senator baru; he was angry when they offered the job to a ~ man, dia marah apabila mereka menawarkan jawatan itu kpd orang yg lebih baru; 4. lower in rank, rendah; (ref to a member of staff) berpangkat rendah; (of a minister) muda: a ~ officer, pegawai rendah; he joined the firm as a ~ partner, dia mula bekerja di firma itu sbg rakan kongsi rendah; the ~ members of the school staff held a friendly football match, guru-guru sekolah itu yg berpangkat rendah mengadakan perlawanan bola sepak persahabatan; a ~ minister in the Cabinet, menteri muda dlm Kabinet; 5. (UK) rel to | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
headmistress | n guru besar (perempuan). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
headmaster | n guru besar (lelaki). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grade teacher | n (US) guru sekolah rendah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dedicated | adj berdedikasi: a ~ teacher, guru yg berdedikasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |