floor | the ~, (Parl) ahli-ahli Dewan; (otherwise) para hadirin: are there any questions from the ~?, ada soalan drpd para hadirin?; the ~ is yours, saudara boleh bercakap sekarang; cross the ~, menyebelahi pihak lawan; have the ~, telah diberi izin utk berucap; be given the ~, diberi izin utk berucap; hold the ~, bercakap terus-menerus: once Sofia started talking about clothes, she held the ~ for more than an hour and no one could stop her, apabila Sofia mula bercakap ttg pakaian, dia bercakap terus-menerus selama satu jam lebih, dan tdk ada sesiapa pun yg dapat membuat dia berhenti; on the ~ of the House, di dlm Dewan; take the ~, a. begin dancing, mula menari; b. start speaking in a debate, mula berucap; wipe the ~ with so., (colloq) menumpaskan sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
audience | n 1. assembly of listeners, spectators, (para) /penonton, hadirin/; 2. listener etc reached by, a. (book, magazine, etc) khalayak, para pembaca; b. (film, television programme, etc) penonton; c. (radio broadcast), (para) pendengar; 3. following, pengikut; (of entertainer) peminat; 4. formal interview, menghadap: to grant so. an ~, memperkenankan sso menghadap; to request an ~ with the king, memohon perkenanan raja utk menghadap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
banter | vi bergurau senda, bersenda gurau, berseloroh, berolok-olok: the speaker ~ed with the audience, penceramah itu bergurau senda dgn para hadirin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hereupon | adv upon this, dgn itu: I have described the present dilemma, ~ I call those present to state their views, saya telah menerangkan dilema yg dihadapi sekarang, dgn itu saya mempersilakan para hadirin utk menyatakan pandangan masing-masing. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
address | the petition was ~ed to the United Nations, rayuan itu dikemukakan kpd Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu; 3. deliver a speech to, /berucap, memberi ucapan/ kpd: to ~ an audience, berucap kpd hadirin; 4. also ~ os to, speak directly to, menujukan kata-kata kpd (sso): to ~ the chairman, menujukan kata-kata kpd pengerusi; 5. call by name, title, memanggil: don’t ~ me as "Doctor", janganlah panggil saya "Doktor"; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
introduce | vt 1. formally present (persons) to (each other) memperkenalkan: the Professor ~d the guest speaker to the audience, Profesor itu memperkenalkan penceramah undangan kpd hadirin; may I ~ my brother (to you), boleh saya perkenalkan abang saya (kpd tuan); he had to ~ himself to his hostess, dia terpaksa memperkenalkan dirinya kpd tuan rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bit1 | ~ by ~, sedikit-sedikit, sedikit demi sedikit; ~s and bobs, ~s and pieces, keropas-kerapis; a ~ at a time, sedikit-sedikit, sedikit demi sedikit; a ~ of a, rather, agak, boleh dikatakan: he’s a ~ of a coward, dia itu agak pengecut; a ~ of all right, (sl), (of person) menarik; a ~ on the side, (colloq) makan luar; do o’s ~, memberi sumbangan; every ~ as, benar-benar sama... spt, benar-benar se-[+ approp adj]: she is every ~ as pretty as her sister, dia benar-benar secantik kakaknya or dia benar-benar sama cantik spt kakaknya; for a ~, see WHILE (for a while); not a ~ (of it) tdk sedikit pun; take a ~ of, take a considerable amount of, mesti berani sedikit: it takes a ~ of courage to address a large audience, mesti berani sedikit utk berucap di hadapan hadirin yg ramai; thrilled to ~s, (colloq), /seronok, suka/ sangat; to ~s, sehingga berkecai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |