Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[han.dal] | هندل

Definisi : 1. boleh diharap (dipercayai) setia; 2. kenamaan, bijak, gagah, cekap, pandai: pemain bola yg ~; 3. amat baik (dlm sesuatu kemahiran dll): Dozy ~ dlm bahasa Arab; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[han.dal] | هندل

Definisi : 1 dpt dipercayai atau dpt diharapkan; setia. 2 pandai dan bijak dlm permainan dll; kenamaan (cekap dll): pemain bola yg ~. handalan yg handal: panglima ~. kehandalan keadaan atau sifat handal; kepandaian; kebijaksanaan; kegagahan: Orang ramai pun hairan melihat ~ Hang Tuah membunuh penderhaka itu dgn kapak. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
handal (adjektif)
1. Dalam konteks pemain
bersinonim dengan hebat, campin, unggul, ulung, terkenal, ternama, terbilang, termasyhur,

2. Bersinonim dengan mahir: cekap, berbakat, berkebolehan, serba boleh, terlatih, lancar, fasih,

Kata Terbitan : kehandalan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

exploitn perbuatan handal: the ~s of Hang Tuah, perbuatan-perbuatan handal Hang Tuah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
consummateadj 1. (fml) accomplished, highly skilled, handal(an): a ~ musician, pemuzik yg handal; 2. (intensifier) betul-betul, benar-benar: he is a ~ liar, dia betul-betul penipu; 3. (fml) perfect, complete, [no specific translation]: to dance with ~ grace, menari dgn lemah gemalai; their ~ happiness, mereka begitu gembira;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
greatdia tukang masak yg cukup handal; he is ~ at crossword puzzles, dia cukup cekap menyelesaikan teka silang kata; 9. (colloq) enjoyable, seronok betul: we had a ~ holiday, cuti kami seronok betul; 10. (colloq) splendid, baik, bagus: “How are you?” “G~!”, “Apa khabar?” “Baik!”; 11. (colloq), (to express contempt, bitterness) baguslah tu, eloklah tu: you’ve used up all our savings? That’s ~, kamu dah gunakan semua simpanan kita? Eloklah tu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
demonn 1. evil spirit or force, hantu, syaitan; the ~ drink, air setan; 2. (colloq) evil person, (macam) setan; 3. energetic, skilful person, handal dan bersemangat: a ~ batsman, pemukul yg handal dan bersemangat; be a ~ for work, work like a ~, kuat bekerja.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
foundationn 1. act of establishing, penubuhan: since its ~, the university has produced many fine scholars, sejak penubuhannya, universiti itu telah melahirkan sarjana-sarjana yg handal; 2. organization, institution, etc set up by means of an endowment, yayasan; 3. endowment fund, yayasan; 4. (usu in pl) substructure of building etc, asas; 5. basis, asas: the story is completely without ~, cerita itu sama sekali tdk berasas; her journalistic work laid the ~ of her career in public relations, tugas kewartawanannya menyediakan asas utk kerjayanya dlm perhubungan awam; 6. also foundation cream, krim asas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hotin ~ pursuit, diburu dgn hebat: the fugitives ran helter-skelter with the police in ~ pursuit, orang buruan itu lari lintang-pukang apabila diburu dgn hebat oleh pihak polis; 7. controversial, hangat, panas: the awarding of government contracts became a ~ political issue, pemberian kontrak kerajaan menjadi isu politik yg hangat; 8. new, recent, hangat, panas; (of scent) masih kuat: ~ news, berita hangat; 9. (of tears) terasa /panas, hangat/: ~ tears ran down her cheeks, air mata yg terasa panas mengalir di pipinya; 10. (of words) pedas; 11. (of stolen goods) panas; 12. (of player) handal: a ~ golfer, pemain golf yg handal;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bat1n 1. implement for striking ball, a. (cricket, baseball), (kayu) pemukul, bet; b. (table tennis) bet, pemukul; 2. (for guiding aircraft) bet; 3. batsman, pemukul (bola): one of the best ~s today, salah seorang pemukul bola yg paling handal pd masa ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dead~ and gone, sudah /tdk ada lagi, meninggal dunia/; ~ from the neck up, (colloq) otak /udang, ayam, telur/; ~ white, (of countenance) pucat /lesi, pasi/, pucat spt mayat; a ~ loss, (colloq) a. a complete loss, kerugian (yg) besar; b. a worthless person, (orang yg) tdk berguna langsung; a ~ shot, a. (of person) penembak yg handal; b. (of shot) tembakan yg tepat; /almost, nearly/ ~, (colloq ), (with cold, hunger, etc), (sejuk, lapar, dsb) bagai nak mati: he was almost ~ with hunger, dia lapar bagai nak mati; be ~ on time, sampai tepat pd waktunya; (be) ~ to, tdk /kenal, mengenal/: his heart was ~ to pity, dia tdk kenal belas kasihan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
great6. voracious, enthusiastic, kuat, kaki, /sangat, amat, sungguh/ suka: he is a ~ reader, dia sangat suka membaca; the boy is a ~ eater, budak lelaki itu kuat makan; he’s a ~ gambler, dia kaki judi; 7. of lengthy period, time, etc, lama: a man who lived to a ~ age, lelaki yg hidup lama; due to the ~ age of the document, it has to be kept in air-conditioning, oleh sebab dokumen itu telah lama, dokumen itu mesti disimpan dlm keadaan berhawa dingin; 8. (colloq) skilled, cukup /cekap, handal/: she is a ~ cook,Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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